
Simple UPS tracking plugin

0.3.0 2018-07-25 18:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 00:36:22 UTC



UPS tracking for Craft CMS 3.x to query the UPS Tracking API. It wrappes the Rracking class of gabrielbull/php-ups-api package and provide the api as a craft service:

{# Get trackingNumber from url parameter 'trackingnum' #}
{% set trackingNumber = craft.request.getParam('trackingnum') %}

{# Passes the trackingNumber to UPS tracking api #}
{% set shipment = craft.upsTracking.getShipmentByReferenceNumber(trackingNumber) %}


This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require mimamuh/craft-ups-tracking
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for UpsTracking.

Configure UpsTracking

To use this plugin, you need an UPS access key to use their APIs. For every request, you will have to provide the Access Key, your UPS User ID and Password. You can generate your access key on https://www.ups.com/upsdeveloperkit/

Next in the Craft Admin CP, go to Settings → Plugins → UpsTracking and enter the api credentials of your UPS site. These are the only required settings for the UpsTracking plugin.

TODO: All settings are also configurable via the config.php file, which is a multi-environment friendly way to store the default settings. Don't edit this file, instead copy it to craft/config as ups-tracking.php and make your changes there. (Not yet implemented)

return [

    // The UPS Access Key associated with your UPS account.
    "accessKey" => "REPLACE_ME",

    // The username associated with your UPS account.
    "userId" => "REPLACE_ME",

    // The password associated with your UPS account.
    "password" => "REPLACE_ME",

    // The shipper number (account number) associated with your 
    // UPS account. Only needed when you track by reference number
    // instead of tracking number
    "shipperNumber" => "REPLACE_ME",


You can learn more about the UPS Tracking API on their page: https://www.ups.com/upsdeveloperkit/downloadresource?loc=en_DK

Using the UpsTracking plugin in your templates

You can get UPS tracking information by a tracking number created by UPS or by a reference number created by the shipper. If you wanna use a reference number, you have to set the shipperNumber in the settings or config.php – depending which method you are using.

To get shipment information for a tracking number, use:

{# Get shipment by tracking number #}
{% set shipment = craft.upsTracking.getShipmentByTrackingNumber(trackingNumber) %}

To get shipment information for a reference number, use:

{# Get shipment by reference number #}
{% set shipment = craft.upsTracking.getShipmentByReferenceNumber(referenceNumber) %}

In case you have multiple shipments with the same reference number, then use:

{# Get multiple shipments by reference number #}
{% set shipments = craft.upsTracking.getShipmentsByReferenceNumber(referenceNumber) %}
{% if shipments is defined and shipments is not null %}
	{% for shipment in shipments.Shipment %}
	{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

The result is null, when no entry was found (yet) or an error occured (errors are logged).

When a entry was found, the result is a shipment object with all the information of the shipment. You can see an example template here in examples/frontend-example.twig.

{% set trackingNumber = craft.request.getParam('trackingnum') %}
{% set shipment = craft.upsTracking.getShipmentByTrackingNumber(trackingNumber) %}
{% if shipment is defined and shipment is not null %}
			<td>{{ shipment.Shipper.ShipperNumber }}<td>
			<td>{{ shipment.Shipper.Address.AddressLine1 }}<td>
			<td>{{ shipment.Shipper.Address.City }}<td>
			<td>{{ shipment.Shipper.Address.PostalCode }}<td>
			<td>{{ shipment.Shipper.Address.CountryCode }}<td>


{% else %}
	<div>No entry found or error occured.</div>
{% endif %}

UpsTracking Roadmap

Some things to do, and ideas for potential features:

  • Allow to set access key with a config.php file.

Brought to you by Michael Neumair