mimachh / seo
Generate and use easily the seo in you Laravel app
- Migrations : publish and migrate the seo table
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan migrate
Seo Model Fields
Every model that needs seo fields must have the trait HasSeo
use Mimachh\Seo\Traits\HasSeo; use HasSeo;
This trait will provide 3 things :
- The relation to the model :
public function seo() { return $this->morphOne(Seo::class, 'seoable'); }
- The updated/created function (coming with his own validator)
public function updateSeo(array $data) { $this->seo()->updateOrCreate([], $data); } public static function bootHasSeo() { static::saved(function ($model) { if (request()->has('seo_title') || request()->has('seo_description')) { $data = [ 'seo_title' => request('seo_title'), 'seo_description' => request('seo_description'), ]; self::validateSeoData($data); $model->updateSeo($data); } }); }
Saving the data
All you need to do is add 2 fields seo_title
and seo_description
in every form that create or update your model. Then you can retrieve this field as classical relations $article->load('seo');
This section is wip.
You can use the package to add schema.org elements.
If nothing works :
You probably will need to add the service provider to you app/bootstrap
In blade files :
If you're using blade you can add the script like that.
<script type="application/ld+json"> {!! SchemaOrg::person() ->name('John Doe') ->url('https://example.com') ->sameAs(['https://facebook.com/johndoe', 'https://twitter.com/johndoe']) ->toJsonLd() !!} </script>
Then the schema :
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"> {!! SchemaOrg::person() ->name('John Doe') ->toHtmlElement('span', 'name', 'John Doe') !!} {!! SchemaOrg::person() ->url('https://example.com') ->toHtmlElement('a', 'url', 'https://example.com', ['class' => 'my-custom-class']) !!} {!! SchemaOrg::person() ->sameAs(['https://facebook.com/johndoe', 'https://twitter.com/johndoe']) ->toHtmlElement('span', 'sameAs', 'https://facebook.com/johndoe') !!} {!! SchemaOrg::person() ->sameAs(['https://facebook.com/johndoe', 'https://twitter.com/johndoe']) ->toHtmlElement('span', 'sameAs', 'https://twitter.com/johndoe') !!} {!! SchemaOrg::person() ->url('https://example.com') ->toHtmlElement('Link', 'url', 'https://example.com') !!} </div>
To use it in inertia/react (or vue) you will need to generate the schema in your controller :
$schema = (new SchemaType()) ->setAttribute('name', $article->title) ->setAttribute('author', $article->author->name) ->setAttribute('datePublished', $article->created_at->toIso8601String()); return Inertia::render('Article/Show', [ 'article' => $article, 'schema' => $schema->toJsonLd(), // Schéma JSON-LD ]);
Then add it to the Head Component
<Head> <script type="application/ld+json" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: schema }} /> </Head>
$schema = Seo::person() ->name($user->name) ->url($user->website) ->sameAs($user->socialLinks) ->toJsonLd(); return Inertia::render('Profile', [ 'user' => $user, 'schema' => $schema, // Passer les données JSON-LD ]);
<Head> {/* Inclure le script JSON-LD dans le <head> */} <script type="application/ld+json"> {JSON.stringify(schema)} </script> </Head> <div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"> <span itemprop="name">{user.name}</span> <a itemprop="url" href={user.website}>{user.website}</a> {/* Liens sociaux */} {user.socialLinks.map((link, index) => ( <span key={index} itemprop="sameAs">{link}</span> ))} </div>
Using Inertia you have access to the SeoForm
component, you can publish it and using it in your inertia form. You can customize it, by default it use shadcn ui + custom form layout.