
Provides a modern object oriented wordpress plugin development framework.

1.4.0 2018-01-29 16:20 UTC


This version of the framework has been replaced by V2 located here

This "plugin" provides a foundation of object oriented design patterns, bootstrap classes, and api abstractions for wordpress that enable very rapid development of new wordpress plugins. It also provides several utilities to auto generate new plugin resources and automatically manage new plugin builds/releases.


Main features

  • Simply document your functions using @annotations and let the framework automatically hook them into core.
  • Develop rapidly by extending base classes that bootstrap your plugin, settings pages, widgets, post types, and more.
  • Use the command line to create new plugin stylesheets, scripts, templates, and php classes.
  • Safely add dependencies on php libraries or other wordpress plugins and they will be managed automatically.
  • Easily keep all your html in individual re-usable templates that maintain theme override capabilities.
  • Leverage a built in task runner to easily send routine tasks off to a managed queue to be ran by cron.
  • Create tables for your plugin and let the framework automatically track and update their changes on new releases.
  • Build new release packages with a single command and all your plugin files are versioned automatically.

How to get started:

  1. Install the packaged plugin and any dependencies

Once you have WP CLI installed:

$ wp plugin install --activate

Note: If installing to a multisite wordpress, use --activate-network instead of --activate to activate the plugin from the command line.

  1. Enable developer mode

To enable developer mode: Create or edit the dev_config.php file in the wp-content/plugins/modern-framework/ directory and add:


Create A New Plugin

Bootstrap the creation of your own new plugin by cloning and customizing the boilerplate plugin using WP CLI:

$ wp mwp update-boilerplate
$ wp mwp create-plugin "Awesome New Plugin" --vendor="My Company" --author="My Name"

Note: By using the WP CLI to create your plugin, the boilerplate is automatically customized with your plugin details!

Make It Do Something

To begin programming the functionality of your new plugin, just start adding methods to the ./your-plugin-dir/classes/Plugin.php file, which can be hooked into wordpress using @annotations. At some point, you will likely want to separate your code out into separate files to keep things logically organized.

You can easily create new javascript modules, css stylesheets, html templates, and php classes all from the WP CLI.

$ wp mwp add-js myplugin-slug script-name
$ wp mwp add-css myplugin-slug stylesheet-name
$ wp mwp add-template myplugin-slug views/template-name
$ wp mwp add-class myplugin-slug New\Class

Visit the boilerplate repository to get a quick rundown of the development tools available to you through modern wordpress.

Distribute It

When you are ready to build a new release of your plugin, that's easy too:

$ wp mwp build-plugin myplugin-slug --version-update=minor

A packaged .zip file that contains your new version will be created in the /builds subdirectory of your plugin. That zip file can be used to install the plugin on any other wordpress site.

Thats it. Have fun!

Further Reading