
Add draftable functionality to your eloquent models.

1.0.3 2022-02-10 14:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 19:05:30 UTC


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Add draftable functionality to your eloquent models.


You can install this package via composer.

composer require milebits/eloquent-draftable


  1. Add a nullable timestamp published_at column to your model's database table.

  2. Include the Optix\Draftable\Draftable trait in your model.

    class Post extends Model
        use Draftable;

Change the default published_at column name

use Milebits\EloquentDraftable\Draftable;

class Post extends Model
    use Draftable;
    const PUBLISHED_AT_COLUMN = 'your_custom_column';

And then in your migration, change it with anything you want.


Query scopes

When the Draftable trait is included in a model, a global scope will be registered to automatically exclude draft records from query results. Therefore, in order to query draft records you must apply one of the local scopes outlined below.

// Only retrieve published records...
$onlyPublished = Post::all();

// Retrieve draft & published records...
$withDrafts = Post::withDrafts()->get();

// Only retrieve draft records...
$onlyDrafts = Post::onlyDrafts()->get();

Publish a model

$post = Post::withDrafts()->first();

// Publish without saving...

// Publish and save...
$post->publish(); // or $post->publish(true);

When you attempt to publish a model that's already been published, the published_at timestamp will not be updated.

Draft a model

// Draft without saving...

// Draft and save...
$post->draft(); // or $post->publish(false);

Schedule a model to be published

$publishDate = now()->addWeek();
// $publishDate = '2020-01-01 00:00:00';
// $publishDate = '+1 week';

// Schedule without saving...

// Schedule and save...

The methods outlined above both require a $date parameter of type Illuminate\Support\Carbon|string|null.

Get the published status of a model

// Determine if the model is published...

// Determine if the model is draft...


This package is licensed under the Apache license 2.0.