
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A Laravel package to load translation strings from database with fallback to file system

1.0.1 2018-01-30 18:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-02-28 19:50:55 UTC


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#Laravel Database Translations

For Laravel <= 5.4 use version 0.2.x

For Laravel >= 5.5 use version 1.x


This package extends the functionality of spatie/laravel-translatable and will allow you to manage your translation strings in the database while using the file based translations as a fallback.

The fallback priority is as follows:

Database current locale -> Database fallback locale -> File system current locale -> File system fallback locale

This is intentional as this package is meant to be a replacement for the file based language strings


You can use the Laravel trans('group.key') or __('group.key') helpers to display your translations.

The blade @lang('key') directive also behaves the same way.

Namespacing works the same as before too

In a Service Provider app('translator')->addNamespace('namespace', 'path/to/namespaced/folder/lang');

and trans('namespace::group.key'), __('namepace::group.key') or @lang('namepace::group.key') to display

By default the translations are cached for 1 day with the key {$locale}.{$namespace}.{$group}, caching can be disabled in the config file.

The cache for a translation group is refreshed when one of the lines is updated via the translation repository.

Importing translation files

To load your current translation files in to the database run php artisan trans-db:load {locale} where {locale} is a language code

For example php artisan trans-db:load en will load all the files for 'en' and php artisan trans-db:load es will load all the files for 'es'

Note: this is a catch all function and will include any files in language namespaces you have added to your service providers as well as any in resources/lang

Adding more translation keys

The included utility command php artisan trans-db:load is non-destructive so add your new key to the appropriate translation file and run the command again, your new key will appear in the database whilst preserving your modified translations

Working with translations

Add: use MikeZange\LaravelDatabaseTranslation\Repositories\TranslationRepository; and inject it into your __construct() or method.

  1. To retrieve all of the translations from the database: $translationRepository->all($related = [], $perPage)

  2. Get a group of keys by namespace and group: $translationRepository->getItems($namespace, $group)

  3. Get a specific key $translationRepository->getItem($namespace, $group, $key)

There are 2 included methods for updating translations via the translations repository.

  1. $translationRepository->updateTranslationById($id, $locale, $value, $overwrite)

  2. $translationRepository->updateTranslation(Translation $line, $locale, $value, $overwrite)

The second method requires an instance of the translation model.

The optional 4th parameter controls whether the new translation will overwrite the old one if it exists, default is true


  • PHP >=7.0
  • Laravel ~5.5
  • spatie/laravel-translatable ^2.1


  1. As always: back up your database - I am not responsible for any data loss

  2. Install the package via Composer:

    composer require mike-zange/laravel-database-translation

  3. Comment the following Service Provider in config/app.php:


    The new service provider is auto-loaded in laravel 5.5

  4. Publish the configuration file database.translations.php

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MikeZange\LaravelDatabaseTranslation\TranslationServiceProvider"

  5. Make sure you have a locale set either via app()->setLocale() or in config/app.php

  6. Edit the config at config/database.translations.php to your requirements, the defaults should be okay for most uses

  7. Run php artisan migrate to create the database table

To Do

  • Allow configuration of caching time