
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Laravel Asterisk

dev-master 2019-05-23 05:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 11:20:44 UTC


A simple call using Asterisk for Laravel

  • Simple and extensible
  • Method chaining
  • Formatter (alpha)

laravelasterisk is a Laravel package which allows you to make calls. The package is in development stage for time being, and not ready for production uses.




  • Laravel - version 5 (version 4 <= untested, need help here).
  • PHP - version => 7.1


Download the package as a zip, and then put it on /vendor folder.

Add the following line on your composer.json file, under the psr-4:

composer require mihaicebotari001/laravelasterisk
"psr-4": {
    "mihaicebotari001\\laravelasterisk\\": "vendor/mihaicebotari001/laravelasterisk/src"

After that, register the LaravelAsteriskServiceProvider in the /config/app.php file, under the providers array:


And in the same file, put the LaravelAsterisk alias under the aliases array:

'LaravelAsterisk' => 'mihaicebotari001\LaravelAsterisk\Facades\LaravelAsterisk'

And finally, run all the migration files

php artisan migrate --path=vendor/mihaicebotari001/laravelasterisk/src/database/migrations


First, you must supply with the user_id (which you can get from your favourite authentication managers). This will make sure projects and tasks belongs to the right user. |


  • Formatter (50%)