
The DB class is a database abstraction layer that provides a simple, consistent interface for interacting with different types of databases. It handles connection management, query execution, pagination and result processing

v1.1 2024-03-08 06:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-23 07:25:42 UTC


Static Badge GPLv3 License

⚠️ DEPRECATION NOTICE: This package is no longer maintained and has been deprecated. It's been replaced by PowerLite PDO. Please visit the PowerLite PDO GitHub repository for the latest updates and support.

This DB class provides a set of simple, intuitive methods for executing queries and retrieving data. It handles pagination, error handling and debugging.

The code is fully documented with PHPDOC. It provides types & type hinting and follows the highest coding standards (PHPSTAN Level 9).


PDO Database class - queries and pagination demos


  • Connection to any MySQL, Firebird, OCI (Oracle) or Pgsql (PostgreSQL) database
  • SQL queries Sending
  • Generation and sending of prepared PDO queries
  • Functions available for all types of queries:
    • Select
    • SelectCount
    • SelectRow
    • SelectValue
    • Query
    • QueryRow
    • QueryValue
    • Execute
    • Insert
    • Update
    • Delete
    • GetColums
    • GetColumnsNames
    • GetTables
    • TransactionBegin
    • TransactionCommit
    • TransactionRollback
  • Pagination with configuration and options
  • Register your connection settings in a single safe place
  • DEBUG mode - display of SQL queries sent to the server and detailed information
  • Error event handling and PHP error logging with try/catch


PHP ^7.4, PHP 8.x


PHP PDO Database class - Full detailed documentation, functions reference & code samples


Clone / download or install with Composer

  composer require migliori/php-pdo-database-class


  1. Open src/connect/db-connect.php in your code editor and set the followings constants to connect to your database:

    PDO_DRIVER // 'mysql', 'firebird', 'oci' or 'pgsql'
    DB_HOST    // For instance 'localhost'
    DB_NAME    // Your database name
    DB_USER    // Your database username
    DB_PASS    // Your database password
    DB_PORT[OPTIONAL]    // The default port is 3306
  2. Require src/connect/db-connect.php and you can connect to both your localhost and production server using $db = new DB(); without any argument.

    use Migliori\Database\Db;
    // register the database connection settings
    require_once 'src/connect/db-connect.php';
    // Then connect to the database
    $db = new DB();
    // or connect and show all the encountered errors automatically
    $db = new DB(true);
    // or connect, then test the connection and retrieve the error if the database is not connected
    $db = new DB();
    if (!$db->isConnected()) {
        $error_message = $db->error();
  3. Call the methods to send your queries and retrieve the results.

    // Select rows without using SQL
    $values = array('id', 'first_name', 'last_name');
    $where = array('country' => 'Indonesia');
    $db->select('customers', $values, $where);
    // We can make more complex where clauses in the Select, Update, and Delete methods
    $values = array('id', 'first_name', 'last_name');
    $where = array(
        'zip_code IS NOT NULL',
        'id >' => 10,
        'last_name LIKE' => '%Ge%'
    $db->select('customers', $values, $where);
    // Let's sort by descending ID and run it in debug mode
    $extras = array('order_by' => 'id DESC');
    $db->select('customers', $values, $where, $extras, true);
    // loop through the results
    while ($row = $db->fetch()) {
        echo $row->first_name . ' ' . $row->last_name . '<br>';
    // or fetch all the records then loop
    // (this function should not be used if a huge number of rows have been selected, otherwise it will consume a lot of memory)
    $rows = $db->fetchAll();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        echo $row->first_name . ' ' . $row->last_name . '<br>';

To see all the public methods and more examples of use of use visit https://www.phpformbuilder.pro/documentation/php-pdo-database-class.php

Example with Pagination

  1. Open database/db-connect.php in your code editor and set the followings constants to connect to your database:

    PDO_DRIVER // 'mysql', 'firebird', 'oci' or 'pgsql'
    DB_HOST    // For instance 'localhost'
    DB_NAME    // Your database name
    DB_USER    // Your database username
    DB_PASS    // Your database password
    DB_PORT[OPTIONAL]    // The default port is 3306
  2. Get your records and the pagination HTML code

    use Migliori\Database\Pagination;
    use Migliori\Database\PdoSelectParams;
    // register the database connection settings
    require_once 'src/connect/db-connect.php';
    // register the PDO parameters for the query in a PdoSelectParams() object
    $values = array('id', 'first_name', 'last_name');
    $where = array('country' => 'Indonesia');
    $pdo_select_params = new PdoSelectParams('customers', $values, $where);
    // create the Pagination object
    $db = new Pagination($pdo_select_params);
    // get the records and the pagination HTML code
    $pagination_html = $db->pagine();
    // count the records and display them
    $records_count = $db->rowCount();
    if (!empty($records_count)) {
        while ($row = $db->fetch()) {
            echo $row->first_name . ' ' . $row->last_name . ' : ' . $row->country . '<br>';
    echo $pagination_html;

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

php ./vendor/bin/phpunit test


Contributions are always welcome!

Please contact us for any improvement suggestions or send your pull requests


GNU General Public License v3.0