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MidWork - Simple PHP Framework

dev-master 2020-08-04 09:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-04 17:57:14 UTC


MidWork v2.0 Beta

Requirements: PHP 7.2 or higher, MySQL PDO


  1. Run composer in a private directory (not accessible from the web): composer require midmyk/midwork2:dev-master
  2. Move the contents of "public" folder to your public/web directory, for e.g. public_html and change path to your app/Config.php in public/index.php
  3. Configure HOST (website url) in app/Config.php
  4. Go to your website


To get the latest updates, just run composer update

HOW-TOs: Model

How to specify custom port for my database connection?

Uncomment or add the following to your app/Config.php $config['db_port'] = 1234;

Optionally add the following to .env to have different port for local development environment db_port = 1234

How to select everything from a table?

$users = Model::select_all('users');

You will get an array with rows.

How to select specific row from a table knowing id? Example with users table:

$user = Model::select('users', 1); echo $user['name'];

How to select specific row from a table knowing other column and value?

$user = Model::select('users', ['name' => $name]);

How to insert data into a table?

Model::insert('table', ['column_one' => 'value1']);

Delete by id

Model::delete('users', 1);

Delete by specific column

Model::delete('users', 'email' => 'test@test.com');

I need more advanced queries with like and joins etc

Just use native PDO like this:






$query = Db::conn()->query("SELECT * FROM USERS");

$users = $query->fetchAll()


HOW-Tos: Common

You can find helper functions inside System or vendor/midmyk/midwork2/System. They are used to automate some things like showing an error message in your form or setting authentication session etc. You use them as normal php functions inside your controllers or views.

Adding your own function

Just create a function inside app/Common.php and it will be automatically included and available in your controllers and views.


Sometimes you may not be satisfied with what one of these functions does, yet you don't wnat to create another function - you want to override already existing one. To do that, just create a function with the same name in app/Common.php