
A WbizTool API Client Laravel integration

v1.0.1 2019-12-11 21:56 UTC


A WbizTool API Client Laravel integration

Installation by Composer

  1. Run

    composer require michalwolinski/wbiztool-laravel

    in console to install this library.

  2. Run

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Haxmedia\WbizToolLaravel\Providers\WbizToolServiceProvider"

    in your console to publish default configuration files

  3. Open .env and add your configuration:

    WBIZTOOL_CLIENT_ID - Your Client Id (Given on Dashboard in API Setting Section)

    WBIZTOOL_API_KEY - Your Api Key (Given on Dashboard in API Setting Section)

    WBIZTOOL_WHATSAPP_CLIENT_ID - Your WhatsApp Client Id (Given on Whatsapp Setting Page) (Given on Dashboard in API Setting Section)


I propose to use Dependency Injection to inject Client class.

Example implementation in service class:

use Haxmedia\WbizTool\Client;
use Haxmedia\WbizTool\Dto\Receiver;
use Haxmedia\WbizTool\MessageType\Text;
use Haxmedia\WbizTool\Method\SendMessage;

class Service {

    private Client $wbizToolClient;

    public function __construct(Client $wbizToolClient)
        $this->wbizToolClient = $client;

    public sendMessage(int $phoneNumber, string $message): void
        $receiver = new Receiver($phoneNumber);
        $type = new Text('message content');
            new SendMessage(),

Usage examples are at library repository - WbizTool PHP



This project is licensed under the MIT License.