
A simple trait to add User relationships to Eloquent models to track creation, updating, and deletion.

v2.1.0 2024-04-18 20:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-18 20:52:09 UTC



A simple trait to add User relationships to Eloquent models to track creation, updating, and deletion.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require michaeljmeadows/created-by


Assuming you already have a users table, add the following fields to the model migration:


If you're using UUID or ULID ID fields, replace foreignId in the above with foreignUuid or foreignUlid fields accordingly

Once the fields are added to the model, you can simply include the trait in your model's definition:


namespace App\Models;

use michaeljmeadows\Traits\CreatedBy;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class NewModel extends Model
    use CreatedBy;

BelongsTo relationships to the User will now be accessible on your model:

$creator = $newModel->createdBy;
$updater = $newModel->updatedBy;
$deleter = $newModel->deletedBy;