
An application to make the laravel 'make' commands globally available.

v2.0.0 2023-03-16 18:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 22:30:20 UTC


This package allows you to use the laravel make commands outside of a laravel application, this can be very useful for package development.

Installing Globally

To install the package globally run composer global require michaeljennings/laravel-make.

When composer has finished installing you should be able to laravel-make in your command line and it should list all of the available commands.

If you are on windows and it says laravel-make is not a function then make sure your global composer .bin directory is in the $PATH environment variable.

Installing Per Project

To install on a per project basis run composer require michaeljennings/laravel-make.

Or add the package to you composer.json file.

  "require-dev": {
    "michaeljennings/laravel-make": "~1.0",

Then run composer update to install the package.

Once installed run vendor/bin/laravel-make and you should see a list of all of the available commands.


By default the laravel commands try to place the new files within the app directory and in the App namespace, however this is very rarely how a package is setup.

To get around this you can create a .laravel-make file in the root of your package and define your package specific configuration in it. This file works like a .env file, a sample file is below, and then there is a description of each configuration option underneath.


Base Path

The base path that will be prepended to all files, excluding migrations and seeders.

Defaults to /app


Base Namespace

This is the root namespace that will be prepended to each class.

Defaults to 'App'


User Model

This option is a little strange. Some of the stubs need to the path to the user model for the application, by default laravel tries to find this from the auth config file. As we don't have the auth config file available to us we have to specify it in the .laravel-make file.

Defaults to 'App\User'


Console Command Path

The path the command files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Console/Commands'


Console Command Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all console commands.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Console\Commands'


Controller Path

The path the controller files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Http/Controllers'


Controller Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all controllers.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Http\Controllers'


Event Path

The path the event files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Events'


Event Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all events.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Events'


Listener Path

The path the listener files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Listeners'


Listener Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all listeners.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Listeners'


Mail Path

The path the mail files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Mail'


Mail Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all mail classes.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Mail'


Middleware Path

The path the middleware files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Middleware'


Middleware Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all middleware classes.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Middleware'


Migration Path

The path the migration files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to 'database/migrations'


Model Path

The path the model files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}'


Model Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all models.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Models'


Notification Path

The path the notification files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Notifications'


Notification Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all notifications.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Notifications'


Policy Path

The path the policy files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Policies'


Policy Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all policies.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Policies'


Provider Path

The path the provider files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Providers'


Provider Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all providers.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Providers'


Request Path

The path the request files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to '{BASE_PATH}/Requests'


Request Namespace

The namespace that will be prepended to all requests.

Defaults to '{BASE_NAMESPACE}\Requests'


Seeder Path

The path the seeder files should be stored in. By default this will prepend the base path.

Defaults to 'database/seeds'