
Laravel package to manage current pesapal payment api, can be used for web and restful apis

v0.5.3 2024-05-18 21:53 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-18 22:32:05 UTC


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Laravel 7,8,9,10 package for Pesapal Api. this package has been developed to utilize the current pesapal payment api.

It can be used on both web and restful apis.


Add this package uis

You can install the package via composer:

composer require mhassan654/laravel-pesapal-sdk


Update your config (for Laravel 5.4 and below)

Add the service provider to the providers array in config/app.php:


Add the facade to the aliases array in config/app.php:

'Pesapal' => Mhassan654\Pesapal\Facades\Pesapal::class,

Publish the package configuration (for Laravel 5.4 and below)

Publish the configuration file and migrations by running the provided console command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mhassan654\Pesapal\PesapalServiceProvider" --tag='config'


Pesapal IPN

For the url of the route use /pesapal-ipn eg as the IPN on the Pesapal Merchant settings dashboard

Environmental Variables

PESAPAL_CONSUMER_KEY pesapal consumer key

PESAPAL_CONSUMER_SECRET pesapal consumer secret

PESAPAL_CURRENCY ISO code for the currency

PESAPAL_IPN controller method to call for instant notifications IPN as relative path from App\Http\Controllers\ eg "TransactionController@confirmation"

PESAPAL_CALLBACK_ROUTE route name to handle the callback eg Route::get('donepayment', ['as' => 'paymentsuccess', 'uses'=>'PaymentsController@paymentsuccess']); The route name is "paymentsuccess"


live - Live or Demo environment

The ENV Variables can also be set from here.


At the top of your controller include the facade
use Pesapal;

Example Code...Better Example..Haha

Assuming you have a Payment Model

use App\Models\PesapalPayment;
use App\Models\PesapalPaymentIpn;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Mhassan654\Pesapal\Exceptions\PesapalException;
use Mhassan654\Pesapal\Pesapal;
use Random\RandomException;

class PesapalPaymentController extends Controller
     * @var Pesapal
    protected Pesapal $pesapal;

     * @param Pesapal $pesapal
     * @return void
    public function  __construct(Pesapal $pesapal)
        $this->pesapal = $pesapal;

     * @return JsonResponse
     * @throws PesapalException
     * @throws RandomException
    public function payment(Request $request)
    {//initiates payment

        $transaction_id =  (new Pesapal)->random_reference();
        $payments = new PesapalPayment;
        $payments -> merchant_reference =$transaction_id;
        $payments -> status = 'NEW';
        $payments -> amount = $request->amount;
        $payments -> save();

        $billing_object = (object)[
            "email_address" => $request->billing_address['email_address'],
            "phone_number" => $request->billing_address['phone_number'],
            "country_code" => $request->billing_address['country_code'],
            "first_name" => $request->billing_address['first_name'],
            "middle_name" => $request->billing_address['middle_name'],
            "last_name" => $request->billing_address['last_name'],
            "line_1" =>  $request->billing_address['line_1'],
            "line_2" =>  $request->billing_address['line_2'],
            "city" => $request->billing_address['city'],
            "state" => $request->billing_address['state'],
            "postal_code" => null,
            "zip_code" => null

        $payment_request = [ // the defaults will be overidden if set in $params
            'id' => $transaction_id,
            'amount' => $request->amount,
            'description' => $request->description,
            'callback_url' => $request->callback_url,
            "notification_id" => $request->notification_id,
            "branch"=> "Project Code - Kampala",
            'billing_address' => $billing_object

        $pesapal_payment= (new Pesapal)->makePayment($payment_request);
        $decode_response = json_decode($pesapal_payment);

        // check for parameter errors
        if ($decode_response->error && $decode_response->error->code == 'invalid_api_request_parameters') {
            return $this->customFailResponseWithPayload($decode_response->error->message);

        if ($decode_response->status == "200"){
            $payments = PesapalPayment::where('merchant_reference',$decode_response->merchant_reference)->first();
            $payments -> order_tracking_id = $decode_response->order_tracking_id;
            $payments -> status = 'PENDING';
            $payments -> update();
        return $this->customSuccessResponseWithPayload($decode_response);

     * @param Request $request
     * @return JsonResponse
    public function paymentsuccess(Request $request)//just tells u payment has gone thru..but not confirmed
        $trackingid = $request->input('order_tracking_id');
        $ref = $request->input('merchant_reference');

        $payments = PesapalPayment::where('merchant_reference',$ref)->first();
        $payments -> trackingid = $trackingid;
        $payments -> status = 'PENDING';
        $payments -> save();

        return $this->customSuccessResponseWithPayload($payments);

     * @param Request $request
     * @return void
    public function paymentConfirmation(Request $request)
        $trackingid = $request->input('OrderTrackingId');
        $merchant_reference = $request->input('OrderMerchantReference');
        $pesapal_notification_type= $request->input('OrderNotificationType');

        //use the above to retrieve payment status now..

    //Confirm status of transaction and update the DB

     * @param $trackingid
     * @param $merchant_reference
     * @param $pesapal_notification_type
     * @return string
     * @throws PesapalException
    public function checkpaymentstatus($trackingid, $merchant_reference, $pesapal_notification_type){

        $status = json_decode($status_response);

        if ($status->status == "200"){
            $payments = PesapalPayment::where('order_tracking_id',$trackingid)->first();
            $payments -> status = $status->status;

//            Pesapal status code representing the payment_status_description.
//            0 - INVALID
//            1 - COMPLETED
//            2 - FAILED
//            3 - REVERSED
            $payments -> status_code = $status->status_code;
            $payments -> payment_method = $status->payment_method;
            $payments -> description = $status->description;
            $payments -> created_date = $status->created_date;
            $payments -> message = $status->message;
            $payments -> payment_account = $status->payment_account;
            $payments -> merchant_reference = $status->merchant_reference;
            $payments -> currency = $status->currency;
            $payments -> amount = $status->amount;
            $payments -> update();
            return $this->customSuccessResponseWithPayload("success");
        return $this->customFailResponseWithPayload("something went wrong");

     * @param Request $request
     * @return JsonResponse
    public function registerIPN(Request $request)
        try {
            $url = $request->url;
            $notification_type = $request->ipn_notification_type;

            $ipn_data = $this->pesapal->registerIPN($url, $notification_type);

           $resp = json_decode($ipn_data);

            $new_ipn = new PesapalPaymentIpn;
            $new_ipn->url = $resp->url;
            $new_ipn->created_date = $resp->created_date;
            $new_ipn->ipn_id = $resp->ipn_id;

            if ( $new_ipn->save()){
                return response()->json($new_ipn);

            return \response()->json("something went wrong");
        }catch (\Exception $exception){
            return \response()->json($exception->getMessage());

     * @return
    public function getRegisteredIPN()
        $respo_data = $this->pesapal->getRegisterIPNlist();
        $decode_data = json_decode($respo_data);
        return \response()->json($decode_data);

    public function ipnReceiver($OrderTrackingId, $status, $payment_method, $OrderMerchantReference)
        $payments = PesapalPayment::where('order_tracking_id',$OrderTrackingId)->first();
        if ($payments){
            $payments -> status = $status;
            $payments -> payment_method = $payment_method;
            $payments ->update();




composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.