Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Simple class for creating ajax applications
1 003 3
Small application script
4 922 8
1 308 2
Small cache script
1 563 3
CLI tool
912 5
Common application for basic purposes
3 800 2
Small conf routine
12 261 5
Small crud-service script
1 853 8
Small crud-service-client script
1 495 2
Adapter for the CRUD service client
1 311 2
Collection of records from CRUD service
1 288 3
Model with CRUD operations
8 851 2
Small custom client routine
8 296 3
Small date/time utilities
3 051 3
Small dns-client script
7 990 4
Field base class for the FormBuilder
5 170 3
Set of typed fields
10 599 2
Class for filters compilation
1 939 4
Set of classes for formal grammars
702 1
Small and fast framework for functional programming
12 678 3
Adapter of the Gentella template for mezon
4 631 2
Small gui script
5 132 3
HTML Report Generator
34 3
Small html-template script
9 747 4
Small script for parameters fetcher
10 161 2
Infrastructure layer
8 558 5
Example of client for the Jira REST API
13 3
List builder adapter interface
5 536 2
Simple, small and fast php framework for creating microservies
123 42
Entity model
8 1
Simple PDO wrapper
10 577 4
Simple POP3 client
536 8
7 472 1
Remote field for the FormBuilder
215 3
9 181 2
10 487 2
Small rest-exception script
10 183 3
Small and fast routing framework
21 383 271
Small security script
7 785 3
Security provider for services and applications
7 064 2
1 357 2
Small service script
5 904 6
Small service client script
4 892 2
Small service logic script
7 023 2
Small service model script
9 647 3
Basic transport class for services and applications
6 060 2
Simple singleton
1 593 2
1 478 6
Small template engine for your projects
10 804 3
Test data management framework
266 2
4 836 3
Variadic model script
7 477 2
View classes
7 516 3