
You can create your repository structure with a single command and all required files.

dev-main 2024-06-01 03:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-01 03:20:54 UTC


Repo Structure

Repo Structure is a Laravel package that allows you to create repository structure with single command including class,interface,Provider as well as binding code.


You can install the package via composer if this command give error add :dev-main at last as a version:

composer require mevada-kalpesh/repo-structure

Add This Provider in Providers in config/app.php after installing the package


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kalpesh\RepoStructure\RepoStructureProvider"

This is the contents of the published config file:

// config/repo-sturcture.php

return [

  * Prefix of Class File Example PostRepositoryClass
  "class_file_prefix" => 'RepositoryClass',

  * Prefix of Interface File Example PostRepositoryInterface
  "interface_file_prefix" => 'RepositoryInterface',

  * File Directory for create files
  * app_path is require
  "file_dir" => app_path('Repository'),

  * Interface Folder Name
  "interface_folder" => "Interfaces",

  * Class Folder Name
  "class_folder" => "Classes",



You just do run below command to build a full repository structure including Interface , class , Provider as well as bind code in provider . you just start to use repo in your controller

php artisan make:repo Post

after run this commad it will create like this file structure

-- app
    -- Repository
       -- Classes
          -- PostRepositoryClass.php
       -- Interfces
           -- PostRepositoryInterface.php

Your Repository Class PostRepositoryClass.php something looks like


namespace App\Repository\Classes;

use App\Repository\Interfaces\PostRepositoryInterface;

class PostRepositoryClass implements PostRepositoryInterface
    //here is your method

Your Repository Interface PostRepositoryInterface.php something looks like.


namespace App\Repository\Interfaces;

interface PostRepositoryInterface 
   // here is your method

Your Repository Provider RepositoryProvider.php something looks like.


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Repository\Classes\PostRepositoryClass; 
use App\Repository\Interfaces\PostRepositoryInterface; 

class RepositoryProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register services.
    public function register(): void
       $this->app->bind(PostRepositoryInterface::class, function () {
         return new PostRepositoryClass();

     * Bootstrap services.
    public function boot(): void

Make sure you add the namespace correctly as shown above.


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.