
This library allows easily sending emails through MessengerOS using PHP.

V1.5 2023-11-20 08:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 09:32:40 UTC


MessengerOS Logo

This library allows you to quickly and easily send emails, SMSes and web push notifications with MessengerOS API via PHP

Table of Contents



  • Compatible with PHP Version 7.4 and above.
  • A MessengerOS active account is needed - we offer 3,000 free emails each month, without adding our logo to your emails. You need more? Check our pricing here.

Setup Environment Variables

  1. Copy the sample env file to a new file named .env
cp .env.sample .env
  1. Edit the .env file to include the following API KEYS that live in your MessengerOS account.
MESSENGER_OS_USER_KEY - from your account information
MESSENGER_OS_PROJECT_KEY - from the current project dashboard 
MESSENGER_OS_EMAIL_DELIVERY_PROVIDER_KEY - from the Delivery Channel information  
MESSENGER_OS_SMS_DELIVERY_PROVIDER_KEY - from the Delivery Channel information 

Install Package

composer require messenger_os/messenger_os-php

Quick Start

Include the proper lines from below at the top of each example based on your installation method:

// Uncomment the next line if you're using a dependency loader (such as Composer) (recommended)
// require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Uncomment the next line if you're not using a dependency loader (such as Composer),
// replacing <PATH TO> with the path to the messengeros-loader.php file
// require_once __DIR__ . '/../../messengeros-loader.php';

A basic example for sending an email

The following is the minimum needed code to send an email. You may find more examples in our examples class here

use MessengerOS\MessengerOS\Model\Email;
use MessengerOS\MessengerOS\Service\ApiService;

$apiService = new ApiService(

/* Build email recipients list */
$emailRecipients[] = (new Email\EmailRecipient())

$email = new Email\Email();
    ->setFromName("John | My Company")
    ->setSubject("Hi [first_name], this is my subject line from API")
    ->setPreviewLine("My preview line from API")
        ['first_name' => 'Thomas']

// Send only Email notifications //
try {
    $response = $apiService->sendEmails($emails);
    print $response . "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";


messengeros-php is maintained and funded by MessengerOS.