
Simple package to generate use case class for Symfony domain-driven design aproach

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1.1 2023-07-01 22:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-30 00:42:40 UTC


build workflow

UseCase Generator is a smart command that creates use case files in a matter of seconds, inspired by symfony/maker-bundle.


Create your UseCase files within a second. Similar to the maker bundle that creates entity and repository files, this bundle generates files for your use case. To perform this magic, simply run: php bin/console meromn:maker:use-case

By default, it creates three UseCase files in a folder named by the user. The command will prompt you to create test files as well.


There is only one command to rule them all.

php bin/console meromn:maker:use-case

Options and Arguments


  • --test or -t to create tests file by default.
    php bin/console meromn:maker:use-case --test # or -t
    This command prompts the user to provide a use case name and creates the corresponding use case folder and files, along with the associated test files.


  • You can directly add the UseCase folder name in your command.
    php bin/console meromn:maker:use-case CreateUseCase
    This command prompts the user to determine if test files are needed. It creates a folder named CreateUseCase and the associated files.

Of course, you can mix all the options and arguments together:

php bin/console meromn:maker:use-case CreateUseCase -t

This command creates a folder named CreateUseCase with the associated files, as well as the test files.


To install the UseCase Generator bundle, you can use composer:

composer require meromn/use-case-generator --dev

And that's it! Check Configuration section to modify the default values.


You can adjust some configuration options depending on your project. Update the following YAML file:

# config/use_case_maker.yaml

# All the data provided here are the default value
    folder_location: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/UseCase' # The path where the folder and files will be created
    folder_test_location: '%kernel.project_dir%/tests' # The path where the folder and tests files will be created 
    namespace_for_use_case: 'App\UseCase' # The namespace for the class 
    namespace_for_tests_use_case: 'App\Tests' # The namespace for the tests class
      use_case: 'UseCase' # The class name for use case
      request: 'Request' # The class name for the request
      response: 'Response' # The class name for the response