
Winter CMS Theme Updater Plugin

0.0.2-beta 2021-05-11 05:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 15:53:06 UTC


This is a WinterCMS plugin that supports the semi-automatic update of theme.

For the sake of this plugin, the term master theme relates to a theme template that that will be used in one or more websites. This template theme is located the themes directory of WinterCMS.

Note that themes installed with composer are not updated. In case you want your master theme to be re-installed in the latest version, use

composer require <<package name>>


The term child theme relates to a theme that is used by WinterCMS in displaying website content. The theme is again located in the themes directory of WinterCMS.


Use Composer to install the plugin by executing

composer require mercator/wn-themeupdater-plugin

Artisan commands

php artisan theme:copy master child

The command php artisan theme:copy master child produces a copy of the theme master and calls it child. Upon completion, it executes the script themekeeping/install.php located in the master theme, which allows modifications to the created child theme. See examples for a set of pre-defined commands.

php artisan theme:update master child

The command php artisan theme:update master child updates defined parts of the child theme with the master theme. It does so by calling the script themekeeping/install.php located in the child theme. See examples for a set of pre-defined commands.

Prepare your theme for auto updates

In the master theme, create a directory called themekeeping (themes housekeeping). This directory must one or both of the following files:

  • install.php, called as part of the Artisan copy command after the master theme has been cloned.
  • update.php, called as part of the Artisan copy when the child theme should be updated from the master. Note that this file will be copied initially (once) from the master to the child. The update.php in the child will be called.



Backs up location of the child there to a temporary location. location can either be an individual file or a directory. location is relative to the root of the client, e.g., $updater->backup("asssts")backs up the assets directory.


Restores the directory or file specified in location to the child there. Again, location is relative to the root of the client, e.g., $updater->backup("asssts")backs up the assets directory.


Removes a file or directory from the child theme.


Replaces the file or directory from the child theme with the master theme after having first delete the file or directory in the child theme.

$updater->mastercopy(from, to )

Copies a file or directory from the master theme (from) to the child theme (to). Existing files will be overwritten.

$updater->childcopy(from, to )

Copies a file or directory locally in the child theme. Existing files will be overwritten. For example, if the master theme holds a config file in assets, that the user needs to adapt, you can copy it as follows:

childcopy("assets/config.yaml.temaplate", "assets/config.yaml")

And of course, you can use any other PHP command in install.php and update.php. The following two functions might come hany in that context:


Returns the fully qualified name to the root directory of the master.


Returns the fully qualified name to the root directory of the child.


Returns true if the file or directory exists in the child. False otherwise.


Returns true if the file or directory exists in the master. False otherwise.


If your theme follows a typical implementation, you often only want to update assets and theme.yaml. update.php would then look as follows


To update, call the following from the console:

php artisan theme:copy master child

If you want to update layouts from the master, but keep the existing default.htm, back it up and restore afterwards:


If you need to call a specific function yourFunction to configure a theme after it has been copied, your install.php could look as follows:

$res = yourFunction($updater->child_path()); // call yourFunction and pass child path

One more time

To get things running

  • Create a master theme (or install it with composer)
  • Create themekeeping/install.php
  • Create themekeeping/update.php
  • Upload your master theme to GitHub (and Composer if you feel like it)
  • Install the master theme on all the web sites you want to use it (through GitHub or Composer), let us call it mymaster as an example
  • Create the child theme you want to use in your website by running artisan theme:copy mymaster mychid (this will create a theme called mychild from the master theme mymaster)
  • Whenever you have updated the master theme, download it on all sites you are running
  • Run artisan theme:update mymaster mychildon each machine and you are done