
Viscle provides a visual lifecycle for PHP request.

1.2.0 2018-07-16 21:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:02:32 UTC


Viscle (Visual Lifecycle) provides a visual lifecycle for PHP request.


composer require meneguetti/viscle


  1. Include the following code where you want to start capturing the request lifecycle, it has to be somewhere after requiring 'vendor/autoload.php'.
  1. Include the following code where you want to stop capturing and render the visual lifecycle.
echo \Viscle\Viscle::render();


  • Example 1 - Simple usage of a set of classes within example folder:

$a = new \Viscle\Example\A;

echo \Viscle\Viscle::render();

It will render like following:

Example 1

  • Example 2 - Usage in a framework (Laravel):
//inside public/index.php
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

$filter = new \Viscle\Filter\NamespaceWhitelist();
//We don't want our graph too long, right?! ;)
$filter->classes = [
    'Viscle\Example' //it's just to include Viscle example in our graph



//inside your controller/action or route closure

//just an example to show in graph
$a = new \Viscle\Example\A;

echo \Viscle\Viscle::render();

It will render like following:

Example 2

  • Example 3 - Usage in a framework (Zend Framework 3):
//inside public/index.php
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$filter = new \Viscle\Filter\NamespaceWhitelist();
$filter->classes = ['Application', 'Album', 'Viscle\Example'];



//inside your controller/action

//just an example to show in graph
$a = new \Viscle\Example\A;

echo \Viscle\Viscle::render();

It will render like following:

Example 3


PHP >= 7.1

Xdebug >= php_xdebug-2.7.0alpha1-7.1


Viscle is released under the MIT Licence. Check out LICENSE file for more details.