
utility functions for php

v1.0.0 2020-04-02 07:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 04:12:18 UTC


Quick Switch

If you need to check many conditions to set a variable value you can use quickSwitch instead of deep ternary (?:), if/else or switch/case.

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$res = Helpers::quickSwitch([
    'First Value' => false,
    'Second Value' => function(){
        return false;
    'Third Value' => falsyFunction(),
    'True Option' => true
], 'Default Value');
echo $res; # > "True Option"

$res = Helpers::quickSwitch([
    'First Value' => false,
    'Second Value' => function(){
        return false;
    'Third Value' => falsyFunction(),
], 'Default Value');
echo $res; # > "Default Value"

Quick switch simply accept a associative array of value => condition. if any of conditions is truly or return truly value, returned as result otherwise the default value will returned.

Convert Date To Persian Date

You can pass string date, DateTime object, Carbon instance or timestamp to parse as persian date.

static function toPersianDate($date = null, ?string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')

Note: If you pass null as input date, this function return current date

Note If you pass null as format parameter, this function return \Hekmatinasser\Verta\Verta object instead of date string.

Note If invalid date passed as input this function return null

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$gregorian_date = '2019-03-21';
$res = Helpers::toPersianDate($gregorian_date); # > 1398-01-01 00:00:00
$res = Helpers::toPersianDate($gregorian_date, 'Y'); # > 1398
$res = Helpers::toPersianDate($gregorian_date, null); # > \Hekmatinasser\Verta\Verta instance

Convert Persian Date To Date

You can pass string persian date or \Hekmatinasser\Verta\Verta instance to parse as gregorian date.

static function toPersianDate($date = null, ?string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')

Note: If you pass null as input date this function return current date

Note If you pass null as format parameter this function return \Carbon\Carbon object instead of date string.

Note If invalid date passed as input this function return null

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$persian_date = '1398-01-01';
$res = Helpers::toGregorianDate($persian_date); # > 2019-03-21 00:00:00
$res = Helpers::toGregorianDate($persian_date, 'Y'); # > 2019
$res = Helpers::toGregorianDate($persian_date, null); # > \Carbon\Carbon instance

Validate Value

Check if value not empty and is a valid value (if allowed list passed) or return default value if not valid.

static function validateOrDefault($value, ?array $allowed, $default = null)

Note Pass null as allowed values to ignore check

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$res = Helpers::validateOrDefault(null, null, 'default'); # > "default"
$res = Helpers::validateOrDefault("my val", null, 'default'); # > "my val"
$res = Helpers::validateOrDefault("test", ["first valid value", "second"], 'default'); # > "default"

Validate Number

Check if value is a number and is in range (min/max) and is valid (allowed value) or return default.

public static function validateNumberOrDefault($value, bool $float = false, $min = null, $max = null, ?array $allowed = null, $default = null)

Note If $float set to true $value parsed as float otherwise parsed as int

Note Pass null as allowed values to ignore check

Note Pass null as min/max values to ignore check

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$res = Helpers::validateNumberOrDefault(12, false, null, null, null, 0); # > 12
$res = Helpers::validateNumberOrDefault(12, true, 12.001, null, null, 0); # > 0
$res = Helpers::validateNumberOrDefault("12.03", true, 11.99, 12.99, null, 0); # > 12.03
$res = Helpers::validateNumberOrDefault(7, true, null, null, [1, 2, 3, 4], 0); # > 0

Convert Value To Boolean

If value is 1, "1", true, "true", "on" or "yes" return true otherwise return false

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$res = Helpers::asBoolean("1"); # > true
$res = Helpers::asBoolean(true); # > true
$res = Helpers::asBoolean("on"); # > true
$res = Helpers::asBoolean("yes"); # > true

$res = Helpers::asBoolean(null); # > false
$res = Helpers::asBoolean("-"); # > false

Extract Number From String

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$res = Helpers::extractNumbers("0123- 456"); # > "0123456"
$res = Helpers::extractNumbers("1 this is a text 2 contains3 string"); # > "123"
$res = Helpers::extractNumbers("text with no numbers"); # > ""

Format String With Placeholder

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$res = Helpers::formatString("{0} - {1}", ['abc', 'def']); # > "abc - def"
$res = Helpers::formatString("{first} {last}", ['first' => 'John', 'last' => 'Doe']); # > "John Doe"
$res = Helpers::formatString("you search {search} and we found no result for {search}", ['search' => 'dummy']); # > "you search dummy and we found no result for dummy"

Print Debug Block

This function convert input variable to JSON pretty formatted and print to output using echo with headers and footer.

Note You can specify header text, separator character and header/footer length

use MEkramy\PHPUtil\Helpers;

$a = [
    "first_name" => "john",
    "last_name" => "doe",
    "address" => [
        "city" => "Somewhere",
        "street" => null

Helpers::printDebug($a, "john doe info", "*", 75);

# ****************************** JOHN DOE INFO ******************************
# {
#     "first_name": "john",
#     "last_name": "doe",
#     "address": {
#         "city": "Somewhere",
#         "street": null
#     }
# }
# ***************************************************************************

Helpers::printDebug("simple value", "simple", "-", 25);

# -------- SIMPLE ---------
# "simple value"
# -------------------------


# ===================== DEBUG ======================
# 3.141592653589793
# ==================================================