
PHP-Laravel5 Highcharts

0.0.1 2019-08-23 09:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 07:19:58 UTC


Highcharts for PHP-Laravel 5 with Charts, HeatMap, World Map and Tooltip.


Add Package to composer.json

composer require highchart/laravel

In Laravel 5.5 or greater the service provider will automatically get registered. In older versions of the framework just add the service provider and facade in config/app.php file:

Provider :


Facade :

'Chart' => RezaAr\Highcharts\Facade::class,

then publish the config

php artisan vendor:publish

Basic Usage

In Controller or Other Class

    $chart1 = \Chart::title([
        'text' => 'Voting ballon d`or 2018',
        'type'     => 'line', // pie , columnt ect
        'renderTo' => 'chart1', // render the chart into your div with id
        'text' => 'This Subtitle',
        'categories' => [
            'Alex Turner',
            'Julian Casablancas',
            'Bambang Pamungkas',
            'Mbah Surip',
        'labels'     => [
            'rotation'  => 15,
            'align'     => 'top',
            'formatter' => 'startJs:function(){return this.value + " (Footbal Player)"}:endJs', 
            // use 'startJs:yourjavasscripthere:endJs'
        'text' => 'This Y Axis',
        'layout'        => 'vertikal',
        'align'         => 'right',
        'verticalAlign' => 'middle',
                'name'  => 'Voting',
                'data'  => [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658],
                // 'color' => '#0c2959',

    return view('welcome', [
        'chart1' => $chart1,


In Blade

<div id="chart1"></div>

{!! $chart1 !!}

Output :

alt tag

the package will generate this code in yout view :

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    Highcharts.chart( {
    title: {
        "text": "Voting ballon d`or 2018"
    , subtitle: {
        "text": "This Subtitle"
    , yAxis: {
        "text": "This Y Axis"
    , xAxis: {
        "categories":["Messi", "CR7", "Bambang Pamungkas", "Del Piero"], "labels": {
            "rotation":15, "align":"top", "formatter":function() {
                return this.value + " (Footbal Player)"
    , legend: {
        "layout": "vertikal", "align": "right", "verticalAlign": "middle"
    , series: [ {
        "name": "Voting", "data": [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658]
    ], chart: {
        "type": "line", "renderTo": "chart1"
    , colors: ["#0c2959"], credits:false


cdn highcharts.js and others js only generated one time
