
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the bumpcore/editor.php package instead.

EditorJS package to handle editor output in PHP.

2.0.1 2022-02-15 01:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-12-16 20:25:19 UTC


Please refer to new package.

EditorJS Extended

Hi, I was just building a back-end project, and a little EditorJS parser. It's ended up with a useful little library. It's my first package, so please be kind and give me feedback.


To install package via composer run:

composer require megasteve1987/editorjs

Note: You should look the original package's on GitHub

Basic usage

First of all use the EditorJS class:

use Megasteve19\EditorJS\EditorJS;

Then you can create a new instance of the class:

$editorJS = new EditorJS( $json, $config );

As you can see It's constructor same as original EditorJS.

  • $json - JSON string from frontend.
  • $config - JSON string that contains configuration.

Collection CRUD

This package resolves around CRUD operations. Here's a example;

$editorJS = new EditorJS($json, $config);

// Create a new block
$newBlockData = new \Megasteve19\EditorJS\Blocks\Block([
    'type' => 'header',
    'data' => [
        'text' => 'Hello World',
        'level' => 1

// Push the new block to the collection

Or find a block by id and access some data of it:

echo $editorJS->collection->find($id)->find('text');

Here's all functions that collection has:

  • all($type) - Returns all blocks. You can give type of blocks you want to get but it's optional.
  • find($id) - Returns block by id.
  • insert($block) - Inserts a block to the collection. You can pass a block or an array of blocks.
  • update($block) - Updates a block in the collection. You can pass a block or an array of blocks.
  • delete($block) - Deletes a block from the collection. You can pass a block or an array of blocks.
  • count() - Returns count of blocks.
  • clear() - Clears the collection.
  • toArray() - Returns collection as array.
  • toHTML($templatesPath) - Returns collection as HTML.

You can find more about html templates at end of this file.

Block CRUD

If we have data to store, than we should use some crud methods right? Blocks crud almost same as collection's. Here's a example:

// Find a block
$block = $editorJS->collection->find($id);

// Update block
$block->insert('alt', 'alt text');
$block->update('file.url', '');

// Update collection

As you can see we're accesing data by dot notation. So I hope you get the point. Here's list of all methods that blocks has:

  • getId() - Returns block id.
  • getType() - Returns block type.
  • getData() - Returns block data.
  • find($key) - Returns specific data by key.
  • insert($key, $value) - Inserts data to the block.
  • update($key, $value) - Updates data in the block.
  • delete($key) - Deletes data from the block.
  • toArray() - Returns block as array.
  • toHTML($templatePath) - Returns block as HTML.

EdiorJS Class

This class is a wrapper for collection. It's a singleton with a few methods. Here's list of all methods;

  • toJSON() - Returns colection as JSON string. It's important to use this method to use data in also frontend.
  • toHTML($templatesPath) - Renders collection as HTML.

About Templates

This package uses templates to render blocks. Collection needs a directory with templates. Structure of this directory is below;

├─ image.php
├─ header.php
├─ paragraph.php

You can name directory whatever you want, but it's important to name files by block type. So, if you want to use header template, you should name it header.php.

Templates uses PHP's default syantax and rendering happens inside block's toHTML() method. That means you can access all block's methods and data. Here's an example of image template;

<img src=" <?= $this->find('file.url') ?> " alt=" $this->find('alt') ?? '' ">

Thanks for reading to the end. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.