
This package genernate sitemap.xml file automatically base on databse tables.

1.5.18 2024-01-04 22:33 UTC


This package generate sitemap.xml file automatically base on database table and route

Install and Configuration

Using composer command

 composer require megaads/sitemap-generator

After composer install package complete, open file app.php and add below line to providers:


Then run this command to publish package config to application config folder (NOTE: Add option --force for overwrite config file. Be sure backup your config file before run with --force option):

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Megaads\Generatesitemap\GeneratesitemapServiceProvider"

After run publish command open file generate-sitemap.php. IF NOT, CAN USING COMMAND TO COPY

cp vendor/megaads/generate-sitemap/config/generate-sitemap.php config/generate-sitemap.php

It see like this:

return [
 'multiplesitemap' => false,
 'defaultlocale' => '',
 'sitemaptype' => [
     'categories' => 'category', 
     'stores' => 'store', 
     'blogs' => 'blog'
 'locales' => [
     'us' => 'United States',
     'uk' => 'United Kingdom',
     'ca' => 'Canada',
     'fr' => 'France',
     'vn' => 'Vietnam',
 'routes' => [ // Add route name from routes.php for generate sitemap url automatically
     'store' => 'frontend::store::listByStore', // Show all stores
     'category' => 'frontend::category::listByCategory', // Show all categories
     'blog' => 'frontend::blog::detail', // Detail a blog
     'coupon' => 'frontend::coupon::detail', // Detail a coupon
     'store_n_keyword' =>  '/'

Default param multiplesitemap will be set to false, mean has single sitemap.xml was generator. If set it to true sitemap file will be generated to folder with name as key at locales param config. Create folder name sitemap in folder public and set chmod 775 for this folder for create multiple locales folder.

Add this line to bottom of app\config\app:

'domain' => ''

Finally, go the below url to generate sitemap. File sitemap.xml will be generate automatically and save to public path. multiplesitemap is false: If separate sitemap to multiple file using param is_multiple=true on url when call it. (attension: config sitemaptype on file config).


Or multiplesitemap is true. This option allow to generate sitemap with multiple language.


Or call to url below for generate all sitemap type (blogs, categories...) group by locales:


And can see result file with url //