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Database backups for Laravel

v0.1.3 2019-11-20 06:55 UTC


Easily perform database backups in Laravel.


composer require medvesekg/laravel-database-backups

php artisan db:backup

Assuming a default Laravel installation this will create a backup in the storage/app directory


  • mysqldump for mysql
  • pgdump for postgres


In config/database.php at the root level add:

'backups' => [
    'disk' => 'local',
    'frequency' => 'daily',
    'retention' => 'two weeks'


The Laravel disk where you want to store the backups. I recommend creating a seperate disk for backups in config/filesystems.php. You can use any driver supported by Laravel.


How frequently do you want to perform backups. Accepted values are names of Laravel's schedule methods e.g. daily, weekly, monthly see for reference.

For automatic backups to work you need to set up Laravel's scheduler. Refer to Laravel documentation.


How long do you want to keep old backups for. Accepted values are anything Carbon datetime library can parse. See for reference. Examples: two weeks

For automatic cleaning of old backups you need to set up Laravel's scheduler. Refer to Laravel documentation.

Artisan commands

The package adds two Artisan commands

  • php artisan db:backup Creates a new backup
  • php artisan db:backup:clean Deletes backups older than the retention policy

Supported database drivers

  • Mysql
  • Postgres
  • Sqlite