
Laravel 5+ SMS Sender

1.0.0 2020-01-02 07:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-05 20:28:05 UTC


SMS gateway integration. Available drivers: Textvertising(UK), Log etc.


  1. Install the package
composer require media365/transmitter
  1. Publish the configuration file to config/transmitter.php using the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Media365\Transmitter\TransmitterServiceProvider"

Don't forget to add the credentials for your sms gateway(Texvertising) in config/transmitter.php. Feel free to change the SMS gateway driver class. To log sms instead of sending sms there is a driver called 'LogSMS' out of the box. To use this set \Media365\Transmitter\Services\LogSMS::class as driver in the config/transmitter.php.


\Media365\Transmitter\Facades\Transmitter::send("<phone number>", "<message here>"); 


It's not uncommon that you may need to work with SMS gateways other than the available ones. In that case you just need to make an class that implements Media365\Transmitter\Services\SMS interface. Then set your class as driver in the config/transmitter.php configuration file. Don't hesitate to make a pull request adding a new SMS gateway support for this package.
