
Client for API

v1.0.5 2015-11-19 13:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 13:17:43 UTC


Library for accessing Ską API. See for more details.


Using Composer:

composer.phar require mdurys/skapiec-api=dev-master


Creating API client object:

$api = new MDurys\SkapiecAPI\Client($username, $password);

The library maps most of the API functions directly to class methods. For example, API's beta_listDepartments() function is called like this:

$result = $api->beta_listDepartments();

If a function has required arguments they should be given in the same order as described on, for example beta_getProductInfo(), which requires id and category arguments is called like this:

$result = $api->beta_getProductInfo($id, $category);

There are a few functions which have two mutually exclusive required parameters, like beta_getOffersBestPrice(), which requires either component (i.e. an ID in our database) or id_skapiec (i.e. an ID from database). In such cases the library offers two distinct functions, e.g.

$result1 = $api->beta_getOffersBestPriceBySkapiecId($skapiecId);
$result2 = $api->beta_getOffersBestPriceByComponent($componentId);

Optional arguments can be supplied using setXXX() methods. For example to list products from a category with offset and amount arguments one should call:

$result = $api

With majority of functions that return information about a product or a category one can select which fields to populate. This can be done using three methods:

  • onlyField() - Only indicated fields will be included in the result.
  • includeField() - Adds indicated fields to the ones returned by default.
  • excludeField() - Excludes indicated fields from the ones returned by default. Each of these methods accepts variable number of arguments.


$result = $api
    ->onlyField('name', 'vendor', 'model')
    ->setFromTime(time() - 86400)
    ->beta_listNewProducts($categoryId); imposes limits on number of API calls within certain time. To assure that limits are not exceeded one can use setQueryDelay() method. For example, to wait a quater of a second between subsequent API calls use this code:



beta_getProductMostPopular() doesn't accept 0 as a valid offset. It's a problem on the API side. It's already reported to and hopefully it'll be fixed sooner than later.

beta_getDealerInfo() can return empty result for valid shop IDs. Apparently this is ok with Skapiec, because shop information is maintained by shop iteself, not Skapiec and some shops do not provide that information.