
API basic requests control

v1.10.0 2022-10-12 17:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 20:49:12 UTC


API server CRUDL trait for Laravel controllers.

Actions routes

VerbURIActionRoute NameDescription
GET/{entity}index{entity}.indexListing (filters allowed)
GET/{entity}/{id}show{entity}.showShow full {entity}
POST/{entity}store{entity}.storeCreates new {entity}
PUT/{entity}/{id}update{entity}.updateUpdates {entity}
DELETE/{entity}/{id}destroy{entity}.destroyDeletes {entity}

Naming conventions

  • Model class name: Entity
  • Controllers class name: EntityController
  • Resource class name: EntityResource


Every model must have 2 public static methods:

  • getValidations() must return an array where each item's key is a field name, and the value is the validation rules (Illuminate\Validation\Validator).
  • getValidationsRequired() must return an array of required field names.



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Example extends Model
    protected $fillable = [

    // validations

    public static function getValidations()
        $validations = [
            'name'         => 'string|between:5,255',
            'code'         => 'string|size:2',
        return $validations;

    public static function getValidationsRequired()
        $validationsRequired = [
        return $validationsRequired;

Index listing

Request parameters available

  • where[] . Valid operators (appended to field name):

    • {fieldName} => field = value
    • {fieldName}[] => field IN (value)
    • {fieldName}_gt => field > value
    • {fieldName}_ge => field >= value
    • {fieldName}_lt => field < value
    • {fieldName}_le => field <= value
    • {fieldName}_ct => field like "%value%"
    • {fieldName}_pr => field like "value%"
    • {fieldName}_ap => field like "%value"
  • orderBy

  • orderByDir
  • limit (-1 to get all records; default=20)


You can declare the following properties in the controller:

NameDefault valueTypeDescription
limitAmount20intAmount of records to return.
indexDefaultOrderBystringField to sort by
indexDefaultOrderByDirstringDirection to sort by (asc or desc)
modelGenerates name using name conventionsstringName of the class of the model
modelPath\App\Models\stringPath to the class of the model
resourceGenerates name using name conventionsstringName of the class of the resource
resourcePath\App\Http\Resources\stringPath to the class of the resource


All hook types must be defined in MdelaRiva\ApiRequests\Libraries\Hook\HookType class.

indexIndexAfterbool, \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
storeStoreAfterbool, \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
updateUpdateAfterbool, \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model

Usage example


1- Define API resouces route in routes/api.php


Route::apiResource( 'articles', 'ArticleController' );

2- Define model validations app/Models/Article.php


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Article extends Model
    protected $fillable = [

    public static function getValidations()
        $validations = [
            'name'         => 'string|between:5,255',
            'code'         => 'string|size:2',
        return $validations;

    public static function getValidationsRequired()
        $validationsRequired = [
        return $validationsRequired;

3- Define controller app/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use MdelaRiva\ApiRequests\ApiBaseRequests;
use MdelaRiva\ApiRequests\Libraries\Hook\Hook;
use MdelaRiva\ApiRequests\Libraries\Hook\HookType;
use App\Models\ArticleThirdParty;
use App\Http\Resources\ArticleThirdPartyResource;

class ArticleController extends Controller
    use ApiBaseRequests;

     * ApiBaseRequests: Index - Order by
     * @var string
    protected $indexDefaultOrderBy = 'name';

     * ApiBaseRequests: Index - Order by direction (ASC, DESC)
     * @var string
    protected $indexDefaultOrderByDir = 'desc';
     * ApiBaseRequests: Hooks register
     * @var string
    protected function registerApiHooks(){
        Hook::register( HookType::IndexBefore, function(){
            $this->model = ArticleThirdParty::class;
            $this->resource = ArticleThirdPartyResource::class;
        } );

        Hook::register( HookType::IndexPreRun, function( $query ){
            $query->groupBy( 'party_id' );
        } );

4- Make request