
It's always [undefined index] somewhere in PHP

v0.0.12-alpha 2018-05-03 22:27 UTC


It's always [undefined index] somewhere in PHP.

McValidator is written to provide a way to validate and sanitize data

Example 1:

use McValidator as MV;

// Builder is important because we can chain validator with them without
// too much work.
$builder = MV\valid('rule/is-string');

// Build the pipe
$pipe = $builder->build();

// Pump the value through the pipe
// Result contains the value and also informations about
// the runtime, such as errors and messages
$result = $pipe->pump(10);

// Gets the runtime state
$state = $result->getState();

// Gets the message of the head(first item) of errors
echo $state->getErrors()->head()->getMessage(); // Value is not a string

// We need more!
$builder2 = MV\shape_of([
    'a' => $builder

$pipe2 = $builder2->build();

$result2 = $pipe2->pump(dict([
    'a' => 10

// Gets the runtime state
$state2 = $result2->getState();

// Gets the message of the head(first item) of errors
echo $state2->getErrors()->head()->getMessage(); // outputs `Value is not a string`

// Gets the field path of the error!
echo $state2->getErrors()->head()->getStringPath('/' // <-- separator); // outputs `$/a`
// `$` means root of path 

You should be thinking now: this s**t s**ks you loser, it's way too verbose than j**a. And we know, McValidator is not intended to be "simple" and "not verbose", but intended to provide ways to:

  • write validators and also provide runtime information
  • track errors without making you lose your mind asking what the freaking freak is happening when you just threw a freaking exception from nowhere
  • no exception will be thrown in runtime, except on structure configuration
  • value history, yeah, every value has an history of values inside which get updated once every mutation, which is in development
  • structure serialization, this s**t is good for caching, we can also cache closure, why the f**k not? It's PHP. This is also good because building validator structure may be expensive, if you cache the validator you can use it without building on every request(it's PHP).
  • write once, validate everywhere, the main intention on that library is to focus on provide a way to write a validator and use it on JavaScript(web, node), Python, Ruby, etc., we have a Manifesto which is being written to define the McValidator's implementation pattern.
  • we support YAML, you can build your validator only using YAML, and this will make you productive, because you can write a single YAML which will be valid in any other implementation of McValidator.
  • we respect data structures, McValidator works together with Heterogeny on PHP, thus respecting the way data should be, arrays being arrays and dictionaries being dictionaries, thus making developing less confusing at least in PHP. We will not support at any point any way to write a code that will mix those structures, do not open an issue or PR about it.
  • You can validate on the depth of hell, McValidator provides a way to track errors even on nested structures, and when we say deep, it's deep. An example of error path: a/0/b/1/c, which means that an error(happened on field c , of element 1, of field b, of element 0, of field a), this is possible because McValidator is about chains and recursiveness, there's hardcore or such thing in our code.
  • Immutability is our focus, sanitization or validation will not mutate data that is not on it's reach

Value's type table

NonExistentValue ExplicitNonExistentValue InvalidValue
isValid false true false
exists false false true
  • NonExistentValue: a value that was not sent and does not exists, example: a key configured for a shape that was not "pumped"
  • ExplicitNonExistentValue: a value that was sent explicitly null, example: a key configured for a shape that was "pumped" null
  • InvalidValue: an invalid value which source is sections, example: a value that was sent and reported invalid in sections

Performance is not guaranteed at this point.