
light weight mvc framework for php

0.0.3 2020-08-10 01:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 03:26:10 UTC


A lightweight, highly use-case configurable, extensible, easy to integrate MVC framework with an implemented strict custom class mapping and casting process for controller action parameter data types(objects specifically)


Install through composer with:

composer require mcshane/chem-mvc

Start faster with a template

Just replace 'my-project' with the name of your project

composer create-project eadrom/chemmvc-template my-project

Delete the newly installed composer files in 'my-project' root and cd to 'my-project'/app/ and run

composer install

The project structure is now setup and composer dependencies installed. You're ready to start building your web project.

To the controllers.


Chem MVC works off of a routing catalyst that assumes a url stucture of


Take the following url for example

With Chemistry MVC's default routing, this url would invoke the '/home/index' action. 'home' being the default controller name and 'index' being the default action name. In turn the above url would be equivilant to.

While these routing behaviours can be altered, this will assume you keep them the same.

Traverse your project to my-project/app/controllers/homeController.php

It should look as follows from a fresh install of the template

namespace app\controllers;
use ChemMVC\controller as Controller;

class homeController extends Controller
    function index(){
        return parent::view();

Simply enough, this homeController Class has one index Action. The index action calls the extended ChemMVC\controller class' view method. This method automagically locates the file my-project/app/views/home/index.php. This behaviour is possible for any action in any controller. Where controller name is the directory and the action name is the file name + '.php'

e.g. with homeController as

class homeController extends Controller
    function couldBeCooler(){
        return parent::view();


would process and return the result of my-project/app/views/home/couldBeCooler.php just like that.

More to Come

Got any ideas for improvements? Fork this repo and make your art. I haven't even talked about TDBM(linked below).

Depenedency List(and reasons why they are here):

  • TDBM - Modeling your database into usable php classes with CRUD operations, data structuring and data requirements built in.