
LaravelHashidable - Hashids for Laravel Models and Routes

V1.3.2 2023-11-09 15:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 16:38:31 UTC


Laravel Hashidable uses Hashidable as main source

_I made this package because the main package from above never has been updated, that has a mistake in declaring types so when you want to use User::whereHashid()


Note: This package is built to work with Laravel versions greater than 7. It may work in older version, but this has not been tested.

composer require mcris112/laravel-hashidable


Import the Hashidable trait and add it to your model.

use Mcris112\LaravelHashidable\Hashidable;

Class User extends Model
  use Hashidable;


$user = User::find(1);

$user->id; // 1
$user->hashid; // 3RwQaeoOR1E7qjYy


// User::findByHashId( string|array $hashId, array $columns ); Returns a model or a collection of models


User::hashIdDecode('3RwQaeoOR1E7qjYy'); //Returns the hash decoded,
User::hashIdDecode(['3RwQaeoOR1E7qjYy', ...$hashes]); //This also can be as array


This function needs two parameters.

$hashid needs to be a string and refers a plain hashed id text $columnId needs to be a string in case that your primary key It is different

  User::whereHashid( string $hashid , string $columnId = 'id' )->first();


  public function show(string $userId, Request $request)
    // ...
      $user = User::whereHashid($userId)->where('is_email_verified', true)->first();
      // ...

Route Model Binding

Assuming we have a route resource defined as follows:

Route::apiResource('users', UserController::class);

This package does not affect route model bindings, the only difference is, instead of placing the id in the generated route, it uses the hashid instead.

So, route('', $user) returns /users/3RwQaeoOR1E7qjYy;

When you define your controller that auto-resolves a model in the parameters, it will work as always.

public function show(Request $request, User $user)
  return $user; // Works just fine


First, publish the config file using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=hashidable.config

The available configuration options are:

return [
     * Length of the generated hashid.
    'length' => 16,

     * Character set used to generate the hashids.
    'charset' => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890',

     * Prefix attached to the generated hash.
    'prefix' => '',

     * Suffix attached to the generated hash.
    'suffix' => '',

     * If a prefix of suffix is defined, we use this as a separator
     * between the prefix/suffix.
    'separator' => '-',

Per-Model Configuration

You can also extend the global configuration on a per-model basis. To do this, your model should implement the Mcris112\LaravelHashidable\HashidableConfigInterface and define the hashidableConfig() method on the model.

This method returns an array or subset of options similar to the global configuration.

    public function hashidableConfig()
        return ['prefix' => 'app'];


Where are the generated hashes stored?

Hashidable does not touch the database to store any sort of metadata. What it does instead is use an internal encoder/decoder to dynamically calculate the hashes.
