
Kirby Editor block for lite-youtube-embed

v1.0.0 2020-11-14 17:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 00:47:48 UTC


Kirby Editor custom block to render lite-youtube-embed custom element based on Paul Irish's custom HTML element.


Step 1: Plugin installation

You can either use composer automatic installation, which is the preferred way:

$ composer require mciszczon/kirby-editor-lite-youtube-embed

or you can simply clone this repository to your plugins folder inside the Kirby CMS installation folder (that's /your_project/site/plugins/):

$ git clone

Step 2: Setting up lite-youtube-embed assets

After that you will still need to include additional lite-youtube-embed assets in your templates, otherwise the plugin will not work.

Again, you could go two ways here:

  1. You might want to manually install the package and manually include its assets into your current css and js assets;
  2. Or you can use assets that's already provided by this plugin.

If you choose to use the out-of-box-available assets provided by the plugin, call these in templates where the plugin is used:

<?= css('/media/plugins/mciszczon/kirby-editor-lite-youtube-embed/index.css') ?>
<?= js('/media/plugins/mciszczon/kirby-editor-lite-youtube-embed/index.js') ?>