
Automatically update Laravel password hashes as users authenticate

1.0.2 2024-03-14 19:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 20:02:38 UTC


The Laravel documentation makes reference to checking whether rehashing is necessary on authentication but leaves the process itself as an exercise to the reader. This library listens to the Illuminate\Auth\Events\Attempting emitted by some authentication techniques and automatically rehashes passwords as necessary when users log in, achieving a rolling password hash upgrade.


composer require mccahan/laravel-auto-rehash


If you only need to listen to default Attempting events, you're all set.

Custom Event

The library includes a custom event you can dispatch if you want to automatically rehash passwords when you have user credentials in-hand but don't want to use the existing Attempting event (e.g. if you have other listeners on that event you don't want to fire).

To use, include the event class:

use McCahan\LaravelAutoRehash\Events\ValidUserCredentials;

Then dispatch where necessary, including the password and your User model:

// Announce that we have some valid credentials in hand for a valid user
event(new ValidUserCredentials($user, $request->get('password')));

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Credit to SamAsEnd/laravel-needs-auto-rehash for their library that feels more robust but didn't easily have custom event support I need.