
A CSV escaping filter for the Twig templating engine.

1.0.1 2016-10-20 20:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 12:38:06 UTC


CSV escaping filter for the Twig templating engine

Build Status

CSV4Twig enables Twig templates to generate safe, properly-escaped CSV output. It's useful when you need to get CSV reports out of an existing application that has a Twig-enabled output layer.


  1. Add it to your project with composer:
    composer require mbaynton/csv4twig:1.0.*

  2. Tell Twig about it. You'll need to get a hold of the \Twig_Environment instance that will generate the CSV; then just pass it to \mbaynton\CSV4Twig\Filter::registerFilters().

  3. Use it in your template with the autoescape tag:

    {% autoescape "csv" %}
    {{ some_value }},{{ another_value }}
    {% endautoescape %}

    The contents of some_value and another_value will be escaped using the default CSV-escaping conventions of PHP's fputcsv() function. fputcsv() is the function this filter uses internally.

    If you prefer, you can also escape certain values explicitly:

    {% autoescape false %}
    {{ some_value|e("csv") }},{{ another_value }}
    {% endautoescape %}

That's it!