maxonfjvipon / phtml
Pure object-oriented HTML construction templating library with functional interface
- php: >=8.0
- maxonfjvipon/elegant-elephant: ^4.3
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.13
- php-coveralls/php-coveralls: ^2.5
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.8
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
- rregeer/phpunit-coverage-check: ^0.3.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-12-08 02:51:24 UTC
phtml is pure object-oriented HTML construction templating library for PHP with functional interface, inspired by JavaTags and ScalaTags.
This fragment:
use Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\at; use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{html5, attr, head, meta, title, link, text}; html5(attr([at::lang => 'en']), head( meta(attr([at::http_equiv => 'Content-Type', at::content => 'text/html', at::charset => 'UTF-8'])), title(text("Title")), link(attr(["href" => "/css/custom.css", "rel" => "stylesheet"])) ) )->asString();
will be turned into this html:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'/> <title>Title</title> <link href='/css/custom.css' rel='stylesheet'/> </head> </html>
Getting started:
- PHP >= 8.0
composer require maxonfjvipon/phtml
Library provides all html tags as functions with only one exception - <var></var>
. PHP does not allow you to create function named var
since this word is reserved. So to create <var></var>
tag use _var
(if you know more elegant way to handle this <var></var>
- please create an issue)
This code
use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{html5, head, body, div, _var, text}; html5( head(), body( div( _var(text("Hello world!")) ) ) )->asString();
will render to you this html:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <div> <var>Hello world!</var> </div> </body> </html>
To add attributes to your tag you should use attr
function. Function accepts an array with arguments.
Array may has 'key' => 'value'
and just 'value'
use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{a, attr}; a(attr(['href' => '/some/url', "download"]))->asString(); // <a href='/some/url' download></a>
Attributes will be rendered only if they are at the first place. Other attributes on other places will be ignored.
use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{a, attr}; div(attr(['class' => 'div']), div())->asString(); // <div class='div'><div></div></div> div(div(), attr(['class' => 'div']))->asString(); // <div><div></div></div>
Library provides helper class Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\at
that contains all existed html attributes as consts.
You can use it in this way:
use Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\at; use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{html5, attr}; html5(attr([at::lang => "en"]))->asString(); // <!DOCTYPE html><html lang='en'></html>
will return you \Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\at
instead of expected 'class'
(since ::class
is reserved by PHP)
(if it's possible to override this ::class
and you know how to do it - please create an issue)
To get 'class'
string from at
you can do at::_class
or at::$class
. Or you can just write it manually
use Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\at; use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{html5, attr}; attr([at::class => 'main'])->asString(); // \Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\at='main' attr(['class' => 'main'])->asString(); // class='main' attr([at::$class => 'main'])->asString(); // class='main' attr([at::_class => 'main'])->asString(); // class='main'
Custom tags
You can create your custom tags using 2 helper functions: paired
and unpaired
use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{unpaired, paired}; unpaired('somebody', attr(['class' => 'custom unpaired']))->asString(); // <somebody class='custom unpaired'/> paired('somebody', attr(['class' => 'custom paired']))->asString(); // <somebody class='custom paired'></somebody>
If you want to add many tags (for example from array) you can use tags
use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{tags, div, unpaired, link}; tags(div(), unpaired('my'), link())->asString(); // <div></div><my/><link/>
Strings, Tags and Texts
Library is based on Maxonfjvipon\ElegantElephant\Txt
class from ElegantElephant.
So besides attributes every paired tag can accept other tags, strings and Texts.
This tag:
use Maxonfjvipon\ElegantElephant\TxtOf; use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{div, link}; div(attr(['class' => 'main']), link(), // other tag TxtOf::str('text'), // Text text("alias"), // wrap string to Maxonfjvipon\ElegantElephant\Txt "just string", )->asString();
will be turned into:
<div class='main'> <link/>\n text\n alias\n just string\n </div>
If you want to use all available tags and functions you have to add this import.
(if you know how to make this whole import shorter - please create an issue)
Keep in mind that some tag functions have the same name as built in php functions (like \header()
, \time()
, etc).
So make sure that you have imported these functions before using them.
use function Maxonfjvipon\Phtml\{ text, unpaired, paired, a, abbr, address, article, aside, audio, b, bdi, ddo, blockquote, body, button, canvas, caption, cite, code, colgroup, data, datalist, dd, del, dfn, div, dl, dt, em, fieldset, figcaption, figure, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, head, header, i, iframe, ins, kbd, label, legend, li, main, map, mark, meter, nav, noscript, object, ol, optgroup, option, output, p, pre, progress, q, rb, rp, rt, rtc, ruby, s, samp, script, section, select, small, span, strong, style, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, template, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, time, title, tr, u, ul, video, attr, tags, br, html5, area, base, col, command, embed, hr, img, input, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr, _var, xmp };
Fork repository, make changes, send a pull request. To avoid frustration, before sending your pull request please run:
$ ./
And make sure you have no errors.