
Yii2 (over Imagine) helper for creating and caching WebP thumbnails in real time

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v1.0.0 2020-05-07 13:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 14:53:08 UTC


This is an Yii2 helper over the PHP WebP thumbnailer which allows you to generate and cache image WebP thumbnails in your Yii2 application on the fly.


Install this library with Composer:

php composer.phar require "maximal/yii2-webp-thumbnailer" "*"

or add

"maximal/yii2-webp-thumbnailer": "*"

to the require section of your app’s composer.json file.

Checking the environment

You will need WebP coder (cwebp command) installed in your system.

For instance in Ubuntu/Debian it is included in webp package:

sudo apt install webp

Check the command:

cwebp -version

You should get an output with version number (like 0.6.1).

If you have installed cwebp to a different command or path, configure the static property WebpThumbnailer::$cwebpCommand before using the helper (see the example below).

More info about WebP:

Generating thumbnails

Use this thumbnailer in your Yii2 application:

use maximal\thumbnail\yii\WebpThumbnailer;

echo WebpThumbnailer::picture('@webroot/img/image.png', $width, $height);

More options (outbound instead of default inset; alt and class attribute added):

use maximal\thumbnail\yii\WebpThumbnailer;

echo WebpThumbnailer::picture(
	['alt' => 'Alt attribute', 'class' => 'img-responsive']

Custom cwebp command:

use maximal\thumbnail\yii\WebpThumbnailer;

WebpThumbnailer::$cwebpCommand = '/usr/local/bin/cwebp';
echo WebpThumbnailer::picture('@webroot/img/image.jpg', $width, $height);

The helper’s picture() method uses modern <picture> HTML tag as follows:

<picture data-cache="hit|new">
	<source srcset="/assets/thumbnails/...image.png.webp" type="image/webp" />
	<img src="/assets/thumbnails/...image.png" other-attributes="" />

Here you have image/webp source for browsers which support WebP images and traditional (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF) image fallback.
