
Will block and logout any users not listed in the whitelist

1.0 2018-05-23 17:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 03:36:07 UTC


This will block and logout any users with IP addresses not listed in the whitelist


Run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of IPBlocker

    php composer.phar require maxcrossan/yii_ip_blocker

Configure the component and preload it in protected/config/main.php

        'ip-blocker' => array(
            'class' => Crossan\IPBlocker::class,
            //Expression to validate on (should return true if validation is required)
            'validateOn' => '!Yii::app()->user->isGuest',
            //{ip} will be replaced
            'blockedMessage' => "Access to this system is blocked from your IP: {ip}.",
            // Network ranges can be specified as:
            // 1. Wildcard format:     1.2.3.*
            // 2. CIDR format:         1.2.3/24  OR
            // 3. Start-End IP format:
            'whitelistedIPs' => array(
                ':1', '', //Localhost
                '', //Office
            'whitelistArraySupplier' => null, //Use this to grab IPs from a method somewhere in your codebase. Will override whitelistedIPs if set.