
A simple encryption behaviour for encrypting and decrypting database fields on Yii models

1.1 2018-05-23 19:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 03:19:43 UTC


A simple encryption behaviour for encrypting and decrypting database fields on Yii models. After implementation fields configured for encryption will be encrypted the next time the model is saved.


Add the following to your composer file and run php composer.phar update

    "require": {
        "maxcrossan/yii_encryption": "dev-master"

Configure the Yii securityManger component in protected/config/main.php

            'cryptAlgorithm' => 'rijndael-128',
            'encryptionKey' => 'your-encryption-key'


Simply add the following to your model behaviours along with the database columns you want to encrypt:

    public function behaviors(){
        return array(
                //Add the fields you wish to encrypt below

Any encrypted database columns are best setup with the BLOB db type


If you have problems loading the class inside your models you may need to setup an alias for vendor in main.php, something like Yii::setPathOfAlias('vendor',dirname(__FILE__).'/../../vendor/'); and then reference the EncryptionBehaviour as vendor.maxcrossan.yii_encryption.src.EncryptionBehaviour