
A Symfony cli command utility for checking YAML file syntax

0.1.0 2023-04-11 08:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 11:54:05 UTC


Wrapper for symfony/yaml's LintCommand (see Symfony/Yaml)

Call it like Symfony's LintCommand with filename as arguments, single files as exclude-Option and with additional option excludePattern.
ExcludePattern are parsed with symfony/finder (see Symfony/Finder) as path and all matching yaml|yml are added to LintCommand's exclude-options.


In some projects one might use local composer-packages which have their own frontend-buildchain. This buildchain might integrate some third-party libraries into your project-structure with malformed yaml-files which you don't need to care for.

├── composer.json
├── src
└── packages
    └── local-subpackage
        ├── composer.json
        ├── Configuration
        ├── Documentation
        ├── Resources
        │   ├── node_modules
        │   │   ├── some third party npm-packages
        │   │   └── …
        │   ├── package.json
        │   ├── Sources
        │   ├── webpack.config.js
        │   └── yarn.lock

When scanning this whole project with a yaml-lint-command I got some errors from node_modules-subdirectories. You should for sure validate those error-messages, create several pull-requests to the third-party repos, patch your local files while waiting for pr to be merged - but to be honest in real life you only need a "green pipeline".


vandor/bin/yaml-linter src --excludePattern=thirdParty