
Joomla OAuth2 Server Package

Installs: 13

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 1


dev-master 2019-06-21 10:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 23:36:02 UTC


1. Introduction
2. Instalation
3. How it works

1. Introduction

The OAuth 2.0 for Joomla Api Application is based on a Louis Landry work about oauth1 server suport for Joomla! Platform.

Also this library is based on RFC 6849 (

This is the basic graph of how is the process of the authentication using OAuth 2.0:

 +-------------------------+                                         +-----------------------------+
 |      Client             |                                         |         Server              |
 |-------------------------|                                         |-----------------------------|
 |                         |                                         |                             |
 | Request temporary token.| +---------------GET------------------>  | Receive request and send    |
 |                         |                                         | the temporary token.        |
 | Get the temporary token | <-JSON-------------------------------+  |                             |
 | and send authorization  |                                         |                             |
 | request.                | +---------------POST----------------->  | Authorise or deny and return|
 |                         |                                         | the status and new temporary|
 | Get the status and the  | <-JSON-------------------------------+  | token.                      |
 | new temporary token,    |                                         |                             |
 | then request the access | +---------------POST----------------->  | Compare temporary token and |
 | token.                  |                                         | authentication and return   |
 |                         |                                         | the access token.           |
 | Get the access token for| <-JSON-------------------------------+  |                             |
 | request protected       |                                         |                             |
 | resources.              |                                         |                             |
 |                         |                                         |                             |
 |                         |                                         |                             |
 +-------------------------+                                         +-----------------------------+

2. Installation

  • Install a new Joomla! 4 installation
  • Configure composer minimum-stability and prefer-stable
$ composer config minimum-stability dev

$ composer config prefer-stable true
  • Install Oauth2 libraries
$ composer require "matware-lab/oauth2:dev-master"

3. How it works

To get one access token to get your private resource, its needed to perform 3 GET or POST request.

Temporary token


  • oauth_response_type= temporary
  • oauth_client_id= ZmFzdHNsYWNrOg==
  • oauth_client_secret= WW1Ga05UUXhNekkyTUcOaE5tRTNaVGt6WldZellqRdNNek5tWldNNE16TT06YlhsclNtTXdlVlZLT1cwb2QzMTFhMDVNYm1ZNg==
  • oauth_signature_method= PLAINTEXT
curl -X GET \
  'http://joomla40.test/api/index.php/v1/article?oauth_response_type=temporary&oauth_client_id=ZmFzdHNsYWNrOg==&oauth_client_secret=WW1Ga05UUXhNekkyTUcOaE5tRTNaVGt6WldZellqRdNNek5tWldNNE16TT06YlhsclNtTXdlVlZLT1cwb2QzMTFhMDVNYm1ZNg==&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT' \
  -H 'Accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer Basic ZWxhc3RpYzpjaGFuZ2VtZQ==' \
  -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Host: joomla40.test' \
  -H 'Postman-Token: 25dcb4a9-90e5-4c6c-883d-86321da9e00c,7c94eb6f-7f46-4507-9524-b4c80c65a3af' \
  -H 'User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.15.0' \
  -H 'accept-encoding: gzip, deflate' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'cookie: 91a11700197c2613cccdfa4ed11ded00=0icb9v3vkmqn77agqb8gd41hgn' \
  -b 91a11700197c2613cccdfa4ed11ded00=0icb9v3vkmqn77agqb8gd41hgn

Response: {"oauth_code":"c0a2c2eae9c8a29add5d8d8b0342532d","oauth_state":true}

Authorise token


  • oauth_response_type= temporary

  • oauth_client_id= ZmFzdHNsYWNrOg==

  • oauth_client_secret= WW1Ga05UUXhNekkyTUcOaE5tRTNaVGt6WldZellqRdNNek5tWldNNE16TT06YlhsclNtTXdlVlZLT1cwb2QzMTFhMDVNYm1ZNg==

  • oauth_signature_method= PLAINTEXT

  • oauth_code= c0a2c2eae9c8a29add5d8d8b0342532d

    Response: {"oauth_code":"5484f5657786c1c64a81cbf5b5af21ed","oauth_state":true}

Access token


  • oauth_response_type= token

  • oauth_client_id= ZmFzdHNsYWNrOg==

  • oauth_client_secret= WW1Ga05UUXhNekkyTUcOaE5tRTNaVGt6WldZellqRdNNek5tWldNNE16TT06YlhsclNtTXdlVlZLT1cwb2QzMTFhMDVNYm1ZNg==

  • oauth_signature_method= PLAINTEXT

  • oauth_code= c0a2c2eae9c8a29add5d8d8b0342532d

    Response: {"access_token":"fad0feb70b053f02f4ecdd2ff06de531","expires_in":"PT4H","refresh_token":"a3de34aed76f98a6f5d158262154be69"}