
Laravel Bootstrap Blade components. A fork from Bastinald.

1.0 2024-07-17 05:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 06:21:44 UTC


This package contains a set of useful Bootstrap Laravel Blade components. It promotes DRY principles and allows you to keep your HTML nice and clean. Components include alerts, badges, buttons, form inputs (with automatic error feedback), dropdowns, navs, pagination (responsive), and more. The components come with Laravel Livewire integration built in, so you can use them with or without Livewire.



  • Bootstrap 5 must be installed via webpack first
  • Font Awesome must be installed to use icons


Require the package via composer:

composer require bastinald/laravel-bootstrap-components



A Bootstrap alert:

    :label="__('It was successful!')"

Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: label to display, can also be placed in the slot
  • color: Bootstrap color e.g. primary, danger, success
  • dismissible: set the alert to be dismissible


A Bootstrap badge:


Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: label to display, can also be placed in the slot
  • color: Bootstrap color e.g. primary, danger, success


A Bootstrap button:


Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: label to display, can also be placed in the slot
  • color: Bootstrap color e.g. primary, danger, success
  • size: Bootstrap button size e.g. sm, lg
  • type: button type e.g. button, submit
  • route: sets the href to a route
  • url: sets the href to a url
  • href: sets the href
  • dismiss: a data-bs-dismiss value e.g. alert, modal
  • toggle: a data-bs-toggle value e.g. collapse, dropdown
  • click: Livewire action on click
  • confirm: prompts the user for confirmation on click


A Bootstrap checkbox input:

    :checkLabel="__('I agree to the TOS')"
    :help="__('Please accept the TOS.')"

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display above the input
  • checkLabel: label to display beside the input
  • help: helper label to display under the input
  • switch: style the input as a switch
  • model: Livewire model property key
  • lazy: bind Livewire data on change


A Bootstrap close button:


Available Props & Slots

  • color: Bootstrap close color e.g. white
  • dismiss: a data-bs-dismiss value e.g. alert, modal


A Bootstrap color picker input:

    :label="__('Favorite Color')"
    :prepend="__('I like')"
    :append="_('the most.')"
    :help="__('Please pick a color.')"

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display above the input
  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before input e.g. cog, envelope
  • prepend: addon to display before input, can be used via named slot
  • append: addon to display after input, can be used via named slot
  • size: Bootstrap input size e.g. sm, lg
  • help: helper label to display under the input
  • model: Livewire model property key
  • lazy: bind Livewire data on change


A Bootstrap datalist input:

    :label="__('City Name')"
    :options="['Toronto', 'Montreal', 'Las Vegas']"
    :prepend="__('I live in')"
    :append="_('right now.')"
    :help="__('Please enter your city.')"

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display above the input
  • options: array of input options e.g. ['Red', 'Blue']
  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before input e.g. cog, envelope
  • prepend: addon to display before input, can be used via named slot
  • append: addon to display after input, can be used via named slot
  • size: Bootstrap input size e.g. sm, lg
  • help: helper label to display under the input
  • model: Livewire model property key
  • debounce: time in ms to bind Livewire data on keyup e.g. 500
  • lazy: bind Livewire data on change


A description list:


Available Props & Slots

  • tern: the description list term
  • details: the description list details, can also be placed in the slot
  • date: date to use instead of details (for use with Laravel Timezone)


A Bootstrap dropdown:

        :label="__('By Name')"
        click="$set('filter', 'name')"
        :label="__('By Age')"
        click="$set('filter', 'age')"

Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: dropdown label to display, can be used via named slot
  • items: dropdown items, can also be placed in the slot
  • color: Bootstrap color e.g. primary, danger, success
  • size: Bootstrap button size e.g. sm, lg

Dropdown Item

A Bootstrap dropdown menu item:


Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: label to display, can also be placed in the slot
  • route: sets the href to a route
  • url: sets the href to a url
  • href: sets the href


A Bootstrap form:

<x-bs::form submit="login">
    <x-bs::input :label="__('Email')" type="email" model="email"/>
    <x-bs::input :label="__('Password')" type="password" model="password"/>
    <x-bs::button :label="__('Login')" type="submit"/>

Available Props & Slots

  • submit: Livewire action on submit


A Font Awesome icon:


Available Props & Slots

  • name: Font Awesome icon name e.g. cog, rocket
  • style: Font Awesome icon style e.g. solid, regular, brands
  • size: Font Awesome icon size e.g. sm, lg, 3x, 5x
  • color: Bootstrap color e.g. primary, danger, success
  • spin: sets the icon to use a spin animation
  • pulse: sets the icon to use a pulse animation


An image:


Available Props & Slots

  • asset: sets the src to an asset
  • src: sets the src
  • fluid: sets the image to be fluid width
  • thumbnail: sets the image to use thumbnail styling
  • rounded: sets the image to have rounded corners


A Bootstrap text input:

    :label="__('Email Address')"
    :help="__('Please enter your email.')"
    <x-slot name="prepend">
        <i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display above the input
  • type: input type e.g. text, email
  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before input e.g. cog, envelope
  • prepend: addon to display before input, can be used via named slot
  • append: addon to display after input, can be used via named slot
  • size: Bootstrap input size e.g. sm, lg
  • help: helper label to display under the input
  • model: Livewire model property key
  • debounce: time in ms to bind Livewire data on keyup e.g. 500
  • lazy: bind Livewire data on change


A hyperlink:


Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: label to display, can also be placed in the slot
  • route: sets the href to a route
  • url: sets the href to a url
  • href: sets the href

Nav Dropdown

A Bootstrap nav dropdown:

        :label="__('Update Profile')"
        click="$emit('showModal', 'profile.update')"

Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: dropdown label to display, can be used via named slot
  • items: dropdown items, can also be placed in the slot

Nav Link

A Bootstrap nav link:


Available Props & Slots

  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before label e.g. cog, envelope
  • label: label to display, can also be placed in the slot
  • route: sets the href to a route
  • url: sets the href to a url
  • href: sets the href


Responsive Bootstrap pagination links:


Available Props & Slots

  • links: paginated Laravel models
  • justify: Bootstrap justification e.g. start, end


A Bootstrap progress bar:

    :label="__('25% Complete')"

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display inside the progress bar
  • percent: percentage of the progress bar
  • color: Bootstrap color e.g. primary, danger, success
  • height: height of the progress bar in pixels
  • animated: animate the progress bar
  • striped: use striped styling for the progress bar


A Bootstrap radio input:

    :options="['Male', 'Female']"
    :help="__('Please select your gender.')"

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display above the input
  • options: array of input options e.g. ['Red', 'Blue']
  • help: helper label to display under the input
  • switch: sets the input to use a switch style
  • model: Livewire model property key
  • lazy: bind Livewire data on change


A Bootstrap select input:

    :label="__('Your Country')"
    :placeholder="__('Select Country')"
    :options="['Australia', 'Canada', 'USA']"
    :prepend="__('I live in')"
    :append="_('right now.')"
    :help="__('Please select your country.')"

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display above the input
  • placeholder: placeholder to use for the empty first option
  • options: array of input options e.g. ['Red', 'Blue']
  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before input e.g. cog, envelope
  • prepend: addon to display before input, can be used via named slot
  • append: addon to display after input, can be used via named slot
  • size: Bootstrap input size e.g. sm, lg
  • help: helper label to display under the input
  • model: Livewire model property key
  • lazy: bind Livewire data on change


A Bootstrap textarea input:

    :help="__('Please tell us about yourself.')"

Available Props & Slots

  • label: label to display above the input
  • icon: Font Awesome icon to show before input e.g. cog, envelope
  • prepend: addon to display before input, can be used via named slot
  • append: addon to display after input, can be used via named slot
  • size: Bootstrap input size e.g. sm, lg
  • help: helper label to display under the input
  • model: Livewire model property key
  • debounce: time in ms to bind Livewire data on keyup e.g. 500
  • lazy: bind Livewire data on change



This trait makes form data model manipulation a breeze. No more having to create a Livewire component property for every single form input. All form data will be placed inside the $model property array.

Getting Model Data

Get the model data as a collection:

$collection = $this->model();

Setting Model Data

Set a single value:

$this->setModel('name', 'Kevin');

Set values using Eloquent model data:


Set values using an array:

    'name' => 'Kevin',
    'email' => '',

Working With Arrays

Add an empty array item:


Remove an array item by its key:

$this->removeModelItem('locations', 3);

Order an array item by its key & direction:

$this->orderModelItem('locations', 3, 'up');

The direction should be up or down.

Binding Model Data

Package components work with this trait via the model attribute:

<x-bs::input :label="__('Name')" model="name"/>
<x-bs::input :label="__('Email')" type="email" model="email"/>

Validating Model Data

Use the validateModel method to validate model data:

    'name' => ['required'],
    'email' => ['required', 'email'],

This method works just like the Livewire validate method, so you can specify your rules in a separate rules method if you prefer.

Publishing Assets

Custom Views

Use your own component views by publishing the package views:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-bootstrap-components:views

Now edit the files inside resources/views/vendor/bs. The package will use these files to render the components.

Custom Icons

Use your own font icons by publishing the package config:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-bootstrap-components:config

Now edit the icon_class_prefix value inside config/laravel-bootstrap-components.php. The package will use this class to render the icons.