
A library for WordPress plugins, to utilize license verification and auto-updating using WordPress License Server.

2.0.2 2020-06-16 12:45 UTC


The WordPress Plugin Integration for the WordPress License Server.


This is a forked repository of the original code of Capevace/wordpress-plugin-updater. This forked repository is also published to packagist so it can be installed through composer. Please note the npm script npm run replace that replaces the original smoolabs/Capevace namespaces with MatthiasWeb to avoid namespace conflicts. The Thanks goes to Capevace (original author), this repository simply adds some modifications to meet the needs for MatthiasWeb plugins.


There's two ways you can integrate this and enable automatic updates for your own plugin.

Using Composer

If you're already using Composer, you'll know what to do.

If not, you'll need to install Composer on your computer and run composer init. This will initialize composer in your packages root.

Once that is complete, run this:

composer require matthiasweb/wordpress-plugin-updater:dev-master

Composer will then install the integration into the vendor/ folder.

To include the plugin files now, simply include the vendor/autoload.php file.


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

Without Composer

Download this repository as a .zip file and extract it somewhere into your plugin files. Then just include the loader.php file.


require_once '/path/to/updater/loader.php';


There's only one thing you'll need to do, to enable the integration once you've included it into your project.

In your plugins main file, paste this code:

$client = \MatthiasWeb\WPU\V4\WPLSController::initClient('', array(
    'name'      => 'Example Plugin Name',
    'version'   => '1.0.0',
    'path'      => __FILE__,
    'slug'      => 'example-plugin-slug'

Now, replace Example Plugin Name with your plugins name, with the URL where you hosted the update server, my-example-plugin with your plugin slug (for example the plugin folders name) and 1.0.0 with your current plugins version.

That's all you have to do! The plugin will now receive automatic updates once you make them available on your server (of course, only if the user supplied a license)!

Disabling functionality until License is entered

You may want to stop your buyers from using your plugin until they have entered their licenses. You can easily disable functionality like this:

// Your Updater instance
$client = \MatthiasWeb\...;

if ($client->isActivated()) {
   * The User has activated the plugin.
   * Add your plugin functionality here.
} else {
   * The User has *NOT* activated the plugin.
   * Add activation messages etc here, for example on your plugin settings page.

Please make sure that this complies with Envato's rules on locking fieatures behind licenses! The plugin may not be accepted otherwise.

Enable newsletter functionality

You can create an extra input so the user has to enter an email address. There is an additionally checkbox which can optionally be checked so the user gets newsletters.

$client = \MatthiasWeb\WPU\V4\WPLSController::initClient('', array(
    // [...]
    'slug'      => 'example-plugin-slug',
    'newsletterPrivacy' => ''
    // [...]

You have to add the config argument newsletterPrivacy with the link to your privacy page. If the user agrees to that the following action is fired:

// do_action('wpls_email_' . $client->config->slug, $email); // Your slug

add_action('wpls_email_example-plugin-slug', function($email) {
  // Do some POSTs