
Dynamically extensible ActiveQuery class

dev-master 2023-01-23 20:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 22:58:37 UTC


This extension provides dynamical customization ActiveQuery filters.

For license information check the LICENSE-file.


Either run

$ php composer.phar require matrozov/yii2-pro-active-query

or add

"matrozov/yii2-pro-active-query": "@dev"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Simply add ProActiveQueryTrait trait to your ActiveRecord class and specify ProActiveQuery query-function like this:

class MyClass extends ActiveRecord
    use ProActiveQueryTrait;


    public static function queryMyFunc(ActiveQuery &$query)
        $query->andWhere(['deleted_at' => null']);

Now, you can simple selection from database with your filter function:

$items = MyClass::find()->myFunc()->all();

Any function with any parameters with query-prefix can be called from ActiveQuery:

    public static function queryStatusIs(ActiveQuery &$query, $status)
        $query->andWhere(['status' => $status]);
$items = MyClass::find()->statusIs('ready')->all();

You can use additional trait for share query-function between ActiveRecord classes.