
Export Laravel Policy abilities to JSON for use with VueJS front end

v2.0.1 2023-08-07 12:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 13:59:16 UTC


This package exports all laravel policy defined abilities as a JSON object for VueJS to process.


Require the module:

composer require mathewparet/laravel-policy-abilities-export

Add the ExportsPermissions trait to your model

use mathewparet\LaravelPolicyAbilitiesExport\Traits\ExportsPermissions;
// ...
class Blog extends Model
    use ExportsPermissions;


The model will now have a can attribute that lists all abilities for that record.

For global abilities that are tied to the model but not the record itself (E.g., Blog Create), call Model::globalAbilities()

To create a resource collection that would export global abilities along with it, run:

php artisan make:resource-collection [--model=MODEL] name