
Simple route in php with support for vars in url

v1.2.2 2023-06-24 21:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-12 17:02:56 UTC


⚠️ This project was made for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used in production environments.


use Mateodioev\HttpRouter\exceptions\{HttpNotFoundException, RequestException};
use Mateodioev\HttpRouter\{Request, Response, Router};

$router = new Router();

// Register your endpoints here
$router->get('/', function (Request $r) {
    return Response::text('Hello world!');



You can use the Router::get, Router::post, Router::put, Router::patch and Router::delete methods to register your endpoints.

$router->myHttpMethod($uri, $callback);
  • $uri is the path of the endpoint.
  • $callback is the function that will be executed when the endpoint is requested. Each callback (action) must return an instance of the Mateodioev\HttpRouter\Response class or an InvalidReturnException will be thrown.

Static files

You can map all static files in a directory with the static method.

$router->static($baseUri, $path, $methods);
// Default methods are GET


├── index.php
└── styles.css

1 directory, 2 files
$router->static('/docs', 'public/');

Now you can reach this uris

  • /docs/index.php
  • /docs/styles.css

Handling all HTTP methods

You can use the Router::all method to handle all HTTP methods with one callback.

$router->all($uri, $callback);

Path parameters

You can use path parameters in your endpoints. Path parameters are defined by a bracket followed by the name of the parameter.


$router->get('/page/{name}', function (Request $r) {
    return Response::text('Welcome to ' . $r->param('name'));

Note: You can make a parameter optional by adding a question mark after the name of the parameter.


$router->get('/page/{name}?', function (Request $r) {
    $pageName = $r->param('name') ?? 'home'; // If the parameter is not present, the method return null
    return Response::text('Welcome to ' . $pageName);

Request data

You can get all data from the request with the following methods:

  • Request::method() returns the HTTP method of the request.
  • Request::uri() returns the URI of the request.
  • Request::uri() returns the URL of the request.
  • Request::param($name, $default = null) returns the value of the parameter with the name $name or null if the parameter is not present.
  • Request::params() return al the request URI parameters.
  • Request::headers() returns an array with all the headers of the request.
  • Request::body() returns the body of the request (from php://input).
  • Request::data() returns an array with all the data of the request. Use this when Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data.
  • Request::files() returns an array with all the files of the request.
  • Request::query() returns an array with all the query parameters from the uri.

TODO list:

  • Add support for middlewares.
  • Add support for custom error handlers.