
A command to get information about the route matched against an arbitrary url string

0.1.1 2020-06-24 00:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 10:14:10 UTC



This command was created to fill the need of a way to find out which route definition will match any given url and method, this is most useful in big apps with a lot of routes where debugging this can be cumbersome.

It was inspired by symfony's bin/console router:match command.


Require this package using composer, it is recommended to install it as a development dependency.

composer require masticore/laravel-url-matcher-command --dev

Laravel's auto discovery will automatically register the command into artisan console


Given a URL and an http method, the command will search all the registered routes for a match and show all relevant information (uri, name, handler, middlweare and others)

~$ php artisan route:match api/product/3/ get
| Property            | Value                                       |
| Uri                 | api/product/{product}                       |
| Prefix              | api                                         |
| Methods             | GET, HEAD                                   |
| Controller          | App\Http\Controllers\ProductController@show |
| Middleware          | api                                         |
| Namespace           | App\Http\Controllers                        |
| Parameter Names     | product                                     |
| Parameters          | 123                                         |
| Original Parameters |                                             |
| Binding Fields      |                                             |
| Is Fallback         | false                                       |
| Where               |                                             |


  • Unit tests
  • Handle more use cases like route names, groups, subdomains, bindings
  • support laravel versions older than 7.X
  • support php versions other than 7.3 & 7.4