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Plugin for yii2-nestable by ASlatius to view nested sets nodes

v1.0.1 2017-01-16 15:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 13:47:34 UTC


Plugin for yii2-nestable by ASlatius to view nested sets nodes


Before install you need have composer.

Make sure you've attached the NestedSetsBehavior by creocoder correctly to your model. Then add the node move handler to you controller by attaching the supplied action;

Either run

$ php composer.phar require masterzero/yii2-nestable "*"

or add

"masterzero/yii2-nestable": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


<?= masterzero\widgets\Nestable::widget([
            'query' => \common\models\NestedSetModel::find(),