
It's a package that can create new route on Laravel, based on its parameters. Like we have api, web, we can now easily configure this with custom-router

1.0.1 2023-10-19 13:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-19 07:37:09 UTC


The Project

It's a package that can create new route on Laravel, based on its parameters. Like we have api, web, we can now easily configure this with custom-router.


  • Laravel framework: ">=9.0"
  • Laravel framework: "< 11.0"
  • PHP: ">=8.0"


To install the package, run the following command:

composer require masterskill/custom-router

Publish the config file

There is no need to configure the file

Creating a new router file

To create a new route, use the following Artisan command:

php artisan make:route

And provide all the informations needed.



Enjoy it :)