Pesto PHP Template Engine

dev-main 2022-02-10 13:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 18:51:55 UTC


  • Cache must be writable by www-data
  • Components
  • Views


#Components = [<ComponentName>,...]
Defines the components that are available in the current template

#Extends = [<TemplateName>]
Defines another template which the templates expands into. Only one entry is possible

Declares a variable in a custom component und renders the variable in the component itself

#Block(<blockname>) <content> #Endblock
Defines in which parent block the content inside this block should be rendered

Defines where the content from the child block should go

PHP variables declared inside a block can only be accesses inside this block. PHP variables declared outside a block can be accessed everywhere.

{{ <PHPVariable> }}
Echoes a PHP variable. Objects and arrays are supported. Variables are autoescaped.


Example for rendering a template

$p = new Pesto(__DIR__ . "/");
$p->enableCaching = false; #True or false

$r = $p->render('Page'); #Templatename without ending
echo $r;

Example for a template


#Components = [Alert]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<Alert @title="HWinPesto" @attribute="Hello World in Page"></Alert>

Example for an expending template


#Components = [Alert]
#Extends = [Base]

This is a title

	<p>Dies ist ein Text</p>
		<Alert @title="Beispiel" @attribute="Hello World">Moin</Alert>
		<Alert @title="Beispiel2" @attribute="Hello World2"></Alert>
	$news = "thisisnews";
	$image = new Image("Image Name","Image URL");
    <p>{{ $news }}</p>
    <p>{{ $image->name }}</p>

Example for a component


Be sure to wrap strings in quotes

<div class="alert">
    <h1>{{ @title }}</h1>
    <p>{{ @attribute }}</p>
    <p>{{ @content }}</p>
    <p>{{ function( "@string", @variableOrInt }}</p>