
Provides Google's ReCaptcha API as a Silex ServiceProvider

v2.0 2017-07-23 23:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 14:50:36 UTC


Silex ServiceProvider integrating Google's ReCaptcha service


Through Composer

Add this package to your composer.json file and composer update

  "require": {
    "mashkin/recaptcha-serviceprovider": "dev-master"

Or simply do composer require "mashkin/recaptcha-serviceprovider" "dev-master".


As ServiceProvider

Register the RecaptchaServiceProvider and provide your configuration:

$app->register(new Mashkin\RecaptchaServiceProvider(), array(
  'recaptcha.sitekey' => 'YOUR_SITE_KEY',
  'recaptcha.secret'  => 'YOUR_SITE_SECRET'

// Optional:
// Set language parameter that will be passed to ReCaptcha (default: en)
$app['recaptcha.language'] = 'de';
// Set stream context for API call (file_get_contents()) (default: null)
$app['recaptcha.streamContext'] = ...;

On Application::boot(), $app['recaptcha.language'] will be set to $app['locale'].

The ServiceProvider provides an instance of Mashkin\Recaptcha as $app['recaptcha'].
Use it as described below.


// Do your configuration
// Required:
$siteKey    = 'YOUR_SITE_KEY';
$siteSecret = 'YOUR_SITE_SECRET';

// Optional:
$language = 'de';
$streamContext = ...; // Passed to file_get_contents()

// Create an instance of Mashkin\Recaptcha
$recaptcha = new Recaptcha($siteKey, $siteSecret, $language, $streamContext)

// Get ReCpatcha widget code
// Get target element
echo $recaptcha->getHtmlElement();
// Get JavaScript
echo $recaptcha->getHtmlScript();

// Verify Captcha response
if (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
  $result = $recaptcha->checkResponse($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);
  if ($result['success']) {
    echo "Success";
  } else {
    echo "Some errors occured: ";
    echo implode(', ', $result['error-codes']);
} else {
  die('No captcha response submitted');