

Tests Code style Static analysis codecov

Helps You automatically resolve composer conflicts

E.g. Need to upgrade your framework to the newest version? Just run

composer major-update --constraint=package/package:^10.0

Want to upgrade minor versions and also update your compose.json file to the up-to-date versions? Run

composer minor-update


Use composer to automatically add it Your project

composer require martinsr/constraint-updater

How to use

  • Add it to Your project
  • Specify Your needed constraints when running composer major-update
  • Run the either composer major-update or composer minor-update with your params.

How it works


It will replace all your composer.json package versions with * except for packages You have added with --constraint.

Versions you add for the packages will be taken literally.


constraint=laravel/framework:^10.0 will set the version to ^10.0 constraint=laravel/framework:10.0 will set it to 10.0.

Would suggest to always add the ^ since composer will still keep the major version the same, while updating to the newest minor version other packages support.

This will make composer install the most up-to-date versions possible, taken the constraints and there won't be any conflicts as long as there is a supported version.

After composer update has been run, it will fix your composer.json file from versions that were installed and specified in Your composer.lock


This will run composer update and after that fix the composer.json with the actual versions that were installed.



composer minor-update

Will run composer update command, and rebuild composer.json file to have up-to-date dependencies with the lock file

How to contribute

  1. Select a GitHub issue or create one
  2. Pull the repository locally
  3. For development use PHP 8.1
  4. Run composer install
  5. To check if everything is set up, run tests with composer test
  6. Make your changes, add tests and fix code quality
  7. Submit a pull request!🎉

Code quality

To run complete code quality use:

composer code-quality

To run rector use:

composer rector

To run php-stan use:

composer php-stan

To convert unsafe functions use:

composer use-safe

To fix code styling use:

composer php-cs-fixer


To run tests use

composer test