
Coding standard based on slevomat/coding-standard

1.0.1 2019-03-27 09:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 21:23:08 UTC



composer require \
    martingold/coding-standard \
    slevomat/coding-standard \
    consistence/coding-standard --dev

then run coding standard like:

php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/martingold/coding-standard/src/coding-standard.xml --extensions=php --tab-width=4 -sp app

Too long to remember?

This command seems to be too much hassle to type it every time. We can instead leverage composer scripts to speed up the workflow. Add this piece of configuration to your composer.json.

"scripts": {
    "phpcs": "php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/martingold/coding-standard/src/coding-standard.xml --extensions=php --tab-width=4 -sp src",
    "phpcbf": "php vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=vendor/martingold/coding-standard/src/coding-standard.xml --extensions=php --tab-width=4 -sp src",
    "lint": "php vendor/bin/parallel-lint src",
    "phpstan": "php vendor/phpstan/phpstan/bin/phpstan analyse src -l 7 -c phpstan.neon",
    "style": [

We can then type just composer style to check for PHP syntax errors and check if code meets coding standard requirements. The syntax error checking is done with JakubOnderka/PHP-Parallel-Lint which you must install when you want to use this exact example. It is highly advised to run PHPStan analysis to check for unexpected behaviour. It is very handy tool to catch low-hanging-fruit bugs in your code.

Example of code using this coding-standard

Example of code can be found in src/Person.php.